October 21, 2024
Which Business Sectors Would Most Benefit From Distributing Brochures?

Which Business Sectors Would Most Benefit From Distributing Brochures?


What are brochures? No, it’s not a philosophical question – it’s simply aimed at helping you to see how brochures could help you to tap into previously uncharted areas of your marketing potential. Their small size makes them easy to distribute to – and pick them up in – the likes of offices and waiting rooms, but which industries should especially take note?

Which Business Sectors Would Most Benefit From Distributing Brochures?
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What are brochures? No, it’s not a philosophical question – it’s simply aimed at helping you to see how brochures could help you to tap into previously uncharted areas of your marketing potential.

Smashing Magazine describes brochures as “tiny books or magazines”, which does pretty much appear to sum them up. Their small size makes them easy to distribute to – and pick them up in – the likes of offices and waiting rooms, but which industries should especially take note?


We all like to look good, but exactly how we can manage it often seems like an overly technical question. There’s an array of anti-ageing treatments, but they often come with particular risks – and a list of specific dos and don’ts can even apply to the use of over-the-counter skincare products.


Where can you place the information that would put your beauty company’s potential customers at ease? That’s right – on brochures you hand out, perhaps even in your own medical spa centre.


This is another sector where a huge amount of choice abounds for potential customers. It doesn’t help that online articles and reviews about particular vehicles are often wrapped in bewildering technical jargon, or include model numbers that look like something out of a Sudoku puzzle.

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However, a brochure is a great place to clarify what that jargon actually means. You could note, for example, that the higher the horsepower in a car’s engine, the faster that car can move.


Whether the supplies you sell are meant for use in overhauling – or subtly improving – a home, office or other commercial property, your target customer could have many questions. However, in a brochure, you can provide informative DIY advice to go with the listings of your products.

The Balance Small Business suggests, for example, including how-to guides on painting effectively. This information could be complemented by tips from experienced DIY professionals.


You don’t have to always limit your brochures to a single specific size or shape. This is a good thing if your business is in the sports sector; if, say, your brochure is meant to advertise season tickets for football matches, imagine being able to print that brochure in the shape of a football.

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It’s more practically possible than you might realise. Duplo International offers a wide range of printing machines for sale, allowing you to choose one that meets even obscure printing needs.


If you run a design business, what better way to showcase its expertise than with the design of its own brochures? This can apply even if your business isn’t strictly in the graphic design business.


An architectural firm, for example, could ask a business of graphic designers to create brochures styled in a similar way to the architecture designed by the former firm. Perhaps architecture stencils could inspire the typography while contrasting colours on the brochure could reflect building materials? The different hues should come together in a way that draws the eye for the right reasons.

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