Weekly Round-Up #27: Bad Bosses, Nice Notebooks and New Blogs
Happy weekend! As it’s so hot here in the U.K I hope the weather where you are is okay and you’re not suffering too much. In this Weekly Round-Up there’s news that you might not be an intro/extro vert after all, some great productivity tips and a new notebook that looks like it may even rival the Moleskine!

Phew! What a scorcher this week has been! Here in the U.K we’ve just seen the hottest July temperatures on record – 36.7°C (98°F). Now, whilst most of you in the rest in the civilised world may wonder why we’re all going nuts about such a “low” temperature, please be aware that only 4 weeks ago at the beginning of June my central heating was still trying to come on as it was so cold!
Anyway, I suppose we should enjoy it whilst it lasts. As it’s Wimbledon fortnight it’s bound to start raining soon!
This week I hope I’ve rounded up some interesting articles for you including a couple of new blogs for you to check out and a new notebook that may rival my favourite Moleskine!
The 10 worst personality types you encounter at work – The Telegraph
I thought I’d start you off with a “bit” of a comedy item this week just to make you feel better thanks to a) The Weather b) The Weather or c) The Weather. In this article from the Telegraph newspaper in the UK they take a look at the different types of morons co-workers you’ll have to deal with. And, for my readers across the world you’ll get to see some great comedy too!
Let’s Quit It with the Introvert/Extrovert Nonsense – Lifehacker
I keep on taking these “Are you and Introvert or an Extrovert” quizzes and never seem to get a satisfactory answer from them, what I am varies with my mood. Sometimes I want to be around people and other times even my cat’s company does my head in (and that’s saying something!). There is this new school of thought that there is a middle ground – Ambivert – but I think that pretty much describes everyone on the planet… what do you think? Are you Intro/Extro or Ambi… oooh, kinky! Anyway, this article looks at the differences and whether it’s as clear cut as we think.
Clutter-Free Forever – Living Well Spending Less
This article may be brief but it’ll give you a few things to think about when looking at your “stuff” and what to do with it all. I’ve been on a bit of a declutter kick recently – or at least a “shift the clutter from here to somewhere that makes sense” kick. Have a read, it may just make you think twice about a few things!
5 Time Management Techniques Worth Using – Entrepreneur
There are so many tips and tricks that are written about and extolled that sometimes it’s difficult to know what to look at and what’s a load of “fashionable tosh”. This article distills things down to to 5 tips – some of which are obvious and some not (check out tip number 5).
29 Essential Time Management Tips to Optimize Your Work Productivity – Life Hacks You Need to Know – 99 Smart Ideas
If the previous 5 time management techniques have wet your appetite then check out this great post from 99 Smart Ideas. Any post that advocates naps? I’m there!
Baron Fig – The new rival to Moleskine?
Okay, so this isn’t an article so much – and it’s not an affiliate link either so don’t panic! If you’re a regular reader you’ll know that I love paper products so when I was emailed by Baron Fig asking me to check out their products I was straight on their website and they look great. I’ll be ordering some in the next few days so keep your eyes peeled for a review!
Productivity Shortcuts
Again, this isn’t a single article but it is a blog that you should take a look at. Sam has started a blog that shows you how to maximise your productivity with the minimum amount of effort. Sam has a great style of writing and has covered some really interesting topics already so I really hope you take a look.
Have a great weekend
I hope you’ve enjoyed the above articles, I try and find a wide variety of subject matter as possible for you to get your teeth into but if you have a suggestion for me, please feel free to contact me and suggest something I should pass on.
Oh, and if the weather’s really hot with you don’t forget to hydrate and keep out of the sun!