Weekly Round-Up #101: Become More Confident, Sort Your Email Out and Stop The Winter Sniffles
In this week’s round up we look at why going to work with the sniffles can be bad for everyone’s health, a reminder of the “2 minute rule” which is especially important over the holiday season and why being quick with your email responses isn’t always the best solution.

Welcome to the 101st Weekly Round-Up on Flipping Heck!! I know, over 100 weekly round-ups!
For those of you who may have missed it, I have put together a list of 120+ productivity blogs you need to read in 2017 – if you have any sites you think I may have missed please leave a comment on the post.
Anyway, On to this week’s round up in which we cover how to plan your tasks, be more confident and stop getting and spreading the flu.
TaskWorld – Taskworld
Do you have a team spread out over a large geographical area? I know what a pain it is to try and figure out how to get people working on the right tasks when you can’t have face to face meetings. Taskworld aims to sort that solution out for you by offering a visual prject management solution – like a gantt chart but with a twist of Kanban too.
Build Self Confidence Using These 21 Actionable Tips Today – Easique
I completely agree with the fact that surrounding yourself with confident people ups your confidence… and that’s just the first out of 21 great tips Akshay has put together. So, if your New Year’s resolution is to be a better version of you then you can’t do wrong to start here.
Duplicate Files Fixer – Systweak Software (Android)
If you’re always running short on space on your Android device it may be due to the backup files that the system (and programs) “helpfully” make for you. This program refreshingly only asks to access the areas of you phone it needs to in order to run a scan and delete files (so many file programs ask to access my dialer and text messages… I think not!) There is an option to backup the files to be deleted but this does require a separate program. Simply check the files you want to get rid of and they’re gone. I could see this being useful if you share photos across various social media platforms as, even though they’re identical they do like to make their own copies which use up precious space.
Tech Employers & Job Satisfaction: How Do They Compare? – eCard Shack
We all think we know the best place to work in terms of the tech industry but some places are better than others. Check out this interesting infographic from eCard Shack that may surprise you, so if you’re thinking of a career change in the new year you may want to factor some of these figures in!
15 Ways To Prevent Colds and Flu – ABC News
It’s getting to that time of year when we can expect the dreaded flu to strike. If you’re in the UK and covered by the NHS on various health grounds you may qualify for a free flu jab (or you can pay for one through your pharmacist) in the US it’s a bit more complicated by the looks of things so read this Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine from the CDC. The main thing is: don’t spread it. If you think you have the flu don’t go to work – it’s better to take a couple of days sick than infect the whole office.
Should I call in sick? – The Guardian
You’re not a bad person if you feel ill and call in sick – believe me, you’ll be doing everyone a favour! If you turn up to work not feeling well the likelihood is that you will infect 50-90% of the people you come into contact with, that means that within a couple of day of you coming in and snotting everywhere your whole department could get ill rendering it useless – but you could have had a couple of days in bed with some soup and it would have all been fine. The company will not collapse without you, you will not lose your job (and if you do, you don’t even need a good lawyer to sort that out) and I’m sorry to break it to you, life will go on and you’re not the be-all and end-all of your department’s functionality (even if you are the boss!).
Healthy Home Tips To Beat Cold Season – Improvenet By CraftJack
If you do get stuck with the sniffles (as I have been for the past few weeks) then maybe some of these will help – although they missed my favourite remedy out: the Whisky Mac – it’s the only time I drink Whisky and if it doesn’t kill it cures!
5 Valuable Skills You Need to Tackle Complex Projects like a Pro – TeaGantt
You might think you can’t cope with a project but if you think about it and break it up into it’s components then it’ll be will so much more manageable than your realise.
5 Ways To Be More Productive In The Morning (Even If You’re Not A Morning Person) – Pick The Brain
I normally run for the hills if I see a “How to be better in the morning post”, I mean I struggle to make a cup of coffee before I have to leave for work so don’t advocate me doing some weird crap meditation and yoga, right?! Anyway, I like this post because it advocates getting up just 15 minutes earlier than usual – up 15 minutes. and do you know what, that makes all the difference – for such a stupid and short amount of time it changes a lot in my morning routine.
The Art of Taking Action: Use The Two Minute “Do-it-Now” Rule – Right Attitudes
A quick refresher for you – if it takes less than 2 minutes, do it!
Clear Is Better than Fast – Especially with Email – Grace Marshall
I came across this great post from Grace when I was researching my Top 100+ Productivity Blogs. She hits the nail right on the head when it comes to the fact that while you may think a quick-fire response to an email is the best thing (after all, quick response times are good, right?) it can end up in a lot of confusion and extra work for all of those involved in the email chain.
Featured Image: Cold and Flu By PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay
Thanks a lot for the mention Katy. A pretty insightful compilation 🙂