October 18, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #179: Great Minds, VPNs And Bullet Journal Lies!


This week we take a look at how great historical figures might inspire us if they were to use today’s technology, what VPNs are and how they can improve your security (and Netflix viewing) and why you shouldn’t be swayed by all of those bullet journal instagram accounts you’re following.

Weekly Round-Up #179: Great Minds, VPNs And Bullet Journal Lies!
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look at how great historical figures might inspire us if they were to use today’s technology, what VPNs are and how they can improve your security (and Netflix viewing) and why you shouldn’t be swayed by all of those bullet journal instagram accounts you’re following.

The Daily Routines Of 8 Great Minds As Instagram Stories – Headway Capital

We’re often told to take inspiration from other people and this article puts a twist on the usual daily routines of the rich and famous by imagining how the likes of Jane Austen and Ernest Hemmingway would put their day on Instagram!

Best And Worst Places To Start A Business – RS Components

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past few years you’re bound to have heard of the hit TV series “The Office”. The original UK version is set in Slough which has been the butt of many a joke for years but now it’s second in the UK for the highest number of start-ups – what a turn around in only 10 years!

What Is A VPN And Why Should You Use One? – Zapier

Online security is obviously a really important factor you need to consider and while you may have heard of firewalls and anti-virus you may not be aware of what VPNs are and their uses. This guide from Zapier breaks down what a VPN is, and why you should consider using one to protect you when you’re online.

VPNs For Netflix: List Of 47 VPNs That Unblock Netflix In 2018 – The Best VPN

Now that you know what a VPN is, how about being able to get those shows on Netflix that aren’t available in your country? The Best VPN looks at some VPNs that will help you get access to that new show you’ve been craving. It’s important to remember though that Netflix do block the use of VPNs so the tools listed in this article may not work for long!

Weekly Round-Up #55: Do You DO Deadlines, Finally become an Adult And Stop being A Corporate Robot
How do you do your deadlines? Can you be an adult by owning some stuff and stop sounding like a corporate robot now!

Online Protection

Why It’s Not A Big Deal That Google (And Facebook) Knows A Lot About You – How-To Geek

How many Google services do you use for free? Gmail, Google+, Maps, Youtube – and probably a lot more that you don’t realise are Google Owned. What about Facebook which includes Whatsapp, Instagram and more? As the saying goes “you don’t get something for nothing” so it’s only fair that you share your data with them, right?

How To Stay Sane Working From Home – Into The City

Having worked from home for quite a few years, I know how easy it is to fall into a rut of getting up and going to bed late, slobbing about in Pyjamas and not seeing another living human for days (as much as I love my cats their conversation is a bit limited). Into The City looks at a few ways you can keep your sanity whilst keeping the freedom you get from working from home.

How To Bullet Journal: 7 Things To Know If You’Re Only Just Getting Started – Huffington Post

You’ve probably heard of Bullet Journaling by now but it not, it is [a system developed by Ryder Carroll] in order to categorise and keep track of your tasks, notes and other items – although I have been using a similar icon driven task tracking system since 2007. Getting started can be a bit daunting so if you’re interested in knowing more then check out the Huffington Post’s quick start guide or, if you’d like a more indepth getting started guide, sign up to our newsletter below and receive our ultimate guide to bullet journaling.

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10 Bullet Journaling Mistruths You’ll Never Believe Again – Page Flutter

If you’re still not sure about bullet journaling, and are maybe put off because you think you have to make every page instagram gorgeous, journal every day and generally be “perfect” – then don’t be! At it’s heart, Bullet Journaling is a system to track items, so you don’t need to write in it everyday or doodle on every page as Megan from Page Flutter explains.

Weekly Round-Up #21 – Productivity tips and Sleep, Sleep, Sleep WAKE!
Read how 80 productivity experts are so productive and find out how how you can get to sleep easier and make more of your mornings after you've had your full 8 hours.

What Everyone Gets Wrong About Introverts – Including Why They Are Not Antisocial Or Lazy – IFLScience

If you’re not sure if you’re an introvert or extrovert you can take a quick personality test here or a more indepth one with the option to pay for a full set of results at Psychology Today here. In most tetst i tkae I come out as an ambivert which I think is quite accurate – I can socialise quite happily but I then need some major alone time to recharge and relax. Just because you want to be alone – whether you’re an intorvert or recharging ambivert – doesn’t mean they hate people, honest!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.


Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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