You’re Already Coding!

You’re Already Coding!


Years ago coding was only performed by men in white coats in some form of secret lab somewhere deep underground (actually, most coders were women but that’s a story for another time). How times have changed! Why am I bringing this up? This week is National Coding Week.

>Code on a laptop screen
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Years ago coding was only performed by men in white coats in some form of secret lab somewhere deep underground (actually, most coders were women but that’s a story for another time).

Back at the start of computing as we know it, when computers were the size of a small car, all commands were punched into cards which were then fed into the machine for processing.

How times have changed!

Why am I bringing this up? This week is National Coding Week.

You might think that coding doesn’t apply to you, but if you’ve ever written a macro or written a funky conditional formatting clause in Excel, you’ve programmed.

Changed your MySpace background back in the day (I’m showing my age now)? Coding.

Built your own Tumblr template? Coding.

I got to thinking about this recently as I was working in some Video production software and in order to get it to do what I wanted I had to do a bit of coding – not a piece of software you’d think you need to code in, it’s a finished product and I’m not working out sums or anything but here we are.

Coding is more prevalent than you might think and it takes many different forms and as we move forward down out technological path it’s going to become more and more part of our every day lives.

If you’ve always wanted to get into coding but never knew where to start then check out Codecademy which offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages.

If you already have a project in mind there are loads of sites such as W3Schools that have great code snippets with explanations on how they work and you can even play around with them to see what they do without worrying that you’re going to break anything.

If coding isn’t your thing, don’t worry. Today is also national cream filled donut day so you have that to fall back on instead!

Now I’m off to write “Hello World” in some new languages!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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