younity: The Productivity App You Never Knew You Needed

younity: The Productivity App You Never Knew You Needed


Do you have a large iTunes library that you want to take with you but you don’t have room on your phone? How many times have you left an important document on your home computer with no way of accessing it? If you have these problems (and many more file related woes) then you’ll want to read about this overview of the fantastic younity app.

younity: The Productivity App You Never Knew You Needed
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Simplify Your Life With younity

In our busy, fast-paced world, we all want to know how we can do more: be more successful, get organized, and get more done. We can all wish for more hours in the day, or we can embrace the fact that we live in the digital age, and where there’s a will, there’s a way.

We have figured out that there are some smart phone apps that can help us work smarter and keep us on track. We all know the classic apps for productivity like Trello, Evernote, and Basecamp, but there are some mobile apps that boost productivity by simplifying our daily tasks. These unsung heroes are in the Google Play and App Store just waiting to be discovered and change the way you work and function. younity is one of these lesser-known apps. Here are three ways you can use younity to simplify your life and boost your productivity.

1. Music That Moves You

Whether you listen to classical music or rock anthems are your jam, music can help you get through a hefty to-do list or a rough day at the office.

Sure, you can listen to Pandora and Spotify at work, but if you don’t pay for the premium versions, you have limited access and have to deal with annoying ads. Plus, what if you want to listen to YOUR music and not a selection curated from a streaming service? You could download all your music onto your
iPhone or Android, but who has time for that – let alone enough storage space?

With younity, you can access all the music from your computer on your phone; music that would be otherwise locked away in the confines of your computer or external hard drive. The best part? Since younity simply creates a connection to access these music files, they’re still saved on your computer and won’t take up any storage space on your phone.

2. No File Left Behind

There’s nothing worse than that sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize you left an important work document at home. You’ve spent hours slaving away on that presentation or report, but without the actual document, you’ve got nothing to show for it! You could have your room-mate or significant other
get on your computer and send you the file, but what if no one’s home or your only room-mate is your four-legged furry friend?

Don’t jump in your car and race home. Instead, open younity and grab the file(s) from your phone. If you have an iPhone, you can print directly from your phone to any AirPrint-enabled printer.

Check out this short Life Hacks video on how to use the AirPrint feature:

Editors Note: If you can open the file using Drive on your Android phone or tablet, you should be able to use Google’s Cloud Print to print to pretty much any printer. Learn more about Cloud Print here

Even if you don’t need to print, you may need to show your boss or co-worker a document. If you can access your files on your phone, you never have to worry about being empty handed at work.

3. Picture Perfect

Have you ever wanted to show someone a photo (family pics, vacation photos, etc.), only to realize you saved it on your computer instead of on your phone? With younity, you have 24-7 access to all of these photos. Not only can you share them with your co-workers, but you can also post these photos directly to social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. This is especially helpful if you’re a social media manager and need to access photos on the go. It’s also convenient for photographers; imagine having your entire portfolio no matter where you go, without the need to lug around your computer or hard drives.

Even if you’re not a social media manager or photographer, you never know when your photo collection can come in handy. Your favorite photos can bring joy to a stressful day or help you share an experience with your co-workers. While your photo collection may not boost your productivity directly, it can certainly make you a big hit in water cooler conversations!

How to Setup younity:

If you want to be able to access all the photos, music, documents, and videos on your computer from your phone, you need to install younity. Don’t worry, it’s simple to install and easy to use:

  1. Download and install younity  on your computer
  2. Create an account (you can use your Facebook or Google login)
  3. younity will auto scan the files on your computer
  4. When younity has finished scanning, download the younity app on your phone (iOS, Android)
  5. Find the younity app on your phone and log into your account the same way you registered with your desktop

That’s it! Now have access to all your stuff; give it a try and see how younity can simplify your life!

Editors Note: This isn’t a sponsored post! I asked the guys at younity to write this article covering the great functionality that the app has as I didn’t feel I has the time to test the product fully myself. If you don’t have your own Network Attached Storage device with cloud access, (affiliate link) and don’t place all of the files you may need to access in DropBox or Google Drive – and let’s face it, are you going to copy all of your iTunes content over? – then younity could be a real time and productivity saver.
About The Author
Younity is a home media server that connects your devices so you can access all your content without any syncing, uploading or configuration. Seamlessly stream, access, and share all of your videos, photos, music and documents stored across all your computers and mobile devices. With younity, all of your files are kept secure and private on your own devices - no clouds or middlemen involved. Younity is easy to use, and requires no technical set-up. Younity is offered in a free version and a newly launched Premium plan which includes Smart Streaming features. Younity is available on Mac, Windows, Android and iO
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