Say Goodbye To The Slump
Is work just feeling like a slog at the moment? Sure, we all have phases when sitting behind your desk is the last places you want to be, but often that’s all it is: a phase. This phase, however, seems to have lasted an awfully long time, so what’s going on? Is it time to think about taking your career forward and applying for a new job or maybe you’re thinking of going it alone and running a solopreneur-style business from your own home?

Is work just feeling like a slog at the moment? Sure, we all have phases when sitting behind your desk is the last places you want to be, but often that’s all it is: a phase. This phase, however, seems to have lasted an awfully long time, so what’s going on? Is it time to think about taking your career forward and applying for a new job or maybe you’re thinking of going it alone and running a solopreneur-style business from your own home?
Whatever the answer, now might be time to take stock of where you are and where you’re heading in life to figure out if this is just about the job or if there are other reasons for your slump.
Check-In With Your Health
It’s such a simple requirement but if you’re not sleeping enough or feeling under the weather, it can have a huge knock-on effect to the way you feel about so many other things, including your job. If you’ve had a cold you just can’t shake or have struggled to fall and stay asleep, then maybe it’s time to have a health check-up with your doctor.
You might be lacking in something like iron or have a deficiency that can be sorted out with an over-the-counter purchase. There are also steps you can take to make sure that you’re getting your brain adequately relaxed before sleep, so consider some self-help methods.
Turn all screens off at least one hour before bedtime and allow your brain time to detune from work emails and social media. Don’t be tempted to bring your phone to bed either. Keep it away from your bedroom to avoid scrolling mindlessly in the middle of the night.
Traditional methods such as having a hot bath and warm drink will also help as will shutting out as much light from your room as possible and keeping outside noise to a minimum.
Change Up
If your health isn’t the issue, then maybe it is time for a change. Whichever profession you’re in, whether a Truck Accident Lawyer or a lifestyle blogger, chances are you’ve let your resume slip a little so make an effort to get that updated and call on professional help if it means you come away with a professional-looking product.
Consider the idea of working for yourself. It can be an immensely liberating experience, but also a scary one. Weigh up the pros and cons of going it alone, from the loss of a regular monthly salary to the benefit of potentially earning more and doing what you love.
If you’re in a slump and need a shake-up, take a look at what’s going on around you, in your personal and professional life and see what needs to be done to have you back on top form. If you’re battling health problems, don’t put it off any longer and get yourself checked over. If you’re looking for a new challenge, get excited – your dream job could be waiting right around the corner or you could be about to become your own boss.