Weekly Round-Up #81: Shorten Your To-Do List, Secret Habits Of Successful People and Stop Saying Sorry
In this week’s round-up we look at how to prioritize your tasks, perfect career goals for the rest of the year and why you need to stop saying sorry so much and say what you really mean
Welcome to this week’s round-up of all things productivity, well-being and motivation.
This week we look at why you need to complain less, career goals for the rest of the year and how to avoid distractions.
2 Questions That Will Help You Prioritize Your Tasks When Everything Seems Urgent – Time Zillionaire
I am terrible for making long to-do lists. The net result of this is that sometimes I feel overwhelmed and then can’t act as I don’t know what I should be working on. I love the idea in this article that your daily to-do list should fit on a post-it that way you can pick your most important tasks for the day and really concentrate on getting them done.
How to Complain Less – Becoming Minimalist
Complaining seems to be second nature to some people, they’re only happy when they’re moaning about something. The problem with this attitude is that it brings you and those around you down, making for a horrible atmosphere that people don’t want to be a part of. Joshua Becker gives us the reasons why complaining is bad for you (and others) and 8 simple tips to get out of the complaining habit.
How To Stop Negative Thinking: 6 Ways To Fine-Tune Your Mind – Lifehack
Following on from complaining, check this post out on how to stop negative thinking which should also help you cut down on the complaining too.
Make This Year Count: The Perfect Career Goals for Every Single Month – The Muse
We might be over half way through the year but there’s still time for us to take a good look at our lives and work on ourselves and career. This article has some great tips for what to work on – make sure you bookmark it so you can start again in January!
8 Secret Habits of Highly Successful People (That Most People Don’t Know About) – Pick The Brain
Success isn’t something that just happens, you need to work at it. This post from Pick The Brain gives you 8 ways to succeed from managing stress to scheduling. They also advocate getting up early… can’t someone be in favour of letting us have a nice lay in for a change?
The Top 5 Office Productivity Killers (& Three Tactics to Beat Them) – Hubspot
Productivity rates are falling across the world (and no, it’s not because of Pokemon Go). Studies also show that we’re working longer hours than ever before, so with the extra hours we should be more productive, right? This infographic from Hubspot shows where the productivity troublespots are – unsurprisingly Meetings are on the list!
5 ways to avoid distractions – Soggy Muse
It’s easy to get distracted – especially when you have kids or pets – so I completely agree with the first point about finding a suitable time to get whatever you’re intending to do done. There’s no point in starting something just around tea time (for kids or animals) as you’ll get interrupted quickly. You also need to factor in the way your mind and body works so if you’re a morning lark or a night owl you may be better working your schedule around that too.
The Dreaded Annual Performance Review Inches Closer To Extinction – Huffington Post
It used to be that time of year that all employees dreaded: the annual performance review. They would shape your career path (for better or worse) over the next twelve months and affect your pay rise and bonuses. More and more companies are now phasing them out which I think can only be a good thing. I agree that employees need feed back on their performance and an opportunity to discuss career progression or any issues they may have but I think this should be more of an ongoing process rather than once a year. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
6 tips for better project management – The Next Web
How do you know when a project is complete? This is often the most missed step when setting up projects. The Next Web covers 6 important factors in managing projects that you may not have considered.
Stop Saying “Sorry” And Say “Thank You” Instead – The Art Of Yao Xiao on Bored Panda
As a Brit I’m probably guilty of saying “Sorry” far too much. This sweet cartoon from Yao Xiao shows you what you should be saying.
Shorts App – Shorten Audio And Video
Alex from Shorts App got in touch to tell me about the Shorts App. a lot of productivity gurus recommend that you listen to podcasts on a higher speed but how about being able to break them up into bite-sized manageable chunks that fit your schedule? Shorts lets you pick a track or video from your PC or Mac and break it up into sections of a length you specify. You can then sync these videos to your iPod or phone – neat!
Thank you for the link up, Katy! I hadn’t considered that one or two of my tips might be useful outside of the writing niche. It’s good to know at least one is helpful. 😀