Why Should You Choose A Touch Screen Directory For Your Office Building?

Why Should You Choose A Touch Screen Directory For Your Office Building?


Touch screen technology in current times has evolved to improve and offer considerable merits to businesses. Wayfinding directories can be used in an office building for providing essential or optional information and even advertising. Some feature touch screen technology for making the process easier.

Touchscreen directory hanging on the wall
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Touch screen technology in current times has evolved to improve and offer considerable merits to businesses. Wayfinding directories can be used in an office building for providing essential or optional information and even advertising. Some feature touch screen technology for making the process easier.

No More Static Signage

Previously, while updating directories, you had to manually access the display and replace all strips, and updating many directory signs took a lot of time.

With touch screen directory signage for your office building, you can update any data directories once and sync other directories to follow the same. Changes and modifications can be made immediately from your desk.

Helps Establish A Culture To Attract People

Various apps and features allow you to build touch screen directories with content specific to you. For example, a touch screen navigation display may provide weather, traffic, local news, and even financial quotes.

The directories can also be used for marketing and advertising. Mall management businesses might sell digital adverts to merchants and play them around the mall.

Better Scalability

It’s quite simple to add more touch screens and customize each for special uses. For example, in a multi-practice healthcare building, patients can utilize a touch screen directory in the main lobby to find their physician’s office. While waiting to see their doctor, patients can also use other touch screens in each physician’s office to watch material or use apps.

People perceive wait time thirty to fifty percent shorter when touch screens and video displays are used.

Help Those With Disabilities

Touch screen directories are incredibly user-friendly, even for people with disabilities. For example, someone with arthritis can tap the screen to find a store, doctor’s office, or some other destination in a directory. Some feature touch screen technology for people with visual problems. The text and graphics can be temporarily enlarged to accommodate such visitors.

Suitable for All Ages

Because of smartphones and tablets, most individuals are already familiar with touchscreen technology. There is a modest learning curve for those unfamiliar with it. You can tap the screen to find the information you seek.

More Convenient

A typical directory requires a line-by-line search to locate a business, office, or retailer. Then they scan the “map” on the screen to discover the desired location.

Touchscreen technology speeds up tasks by up to 20%. If the Search option is enabled, people can type in the business name and find it within the building. They could even be given onscreen guidance to find the quickest route.

Can Be Utilized Outdoors

Both indoor and outdoor touch screen directories are available, but you need extra hardware to protect the display from the weather and maintain proper operation in outdoor regions. And you still have all the advantages of indoor touch screen directory systems.


As you can see, using touchscreen technologies and displays can help your business in numerous ways. They range in size from small to gigantic display panels that can be mounted to walls or used as stand-alone display kiosks.

With so many apps and customizations available, there is no limit to how you may employ them in your office building.

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