Weekly Round-Up #28 – Bedtime tactics to improve your mornings, You're not sleeping enough and public to-do list shaming


We take a break from our Body Language Series to bring you your regular dose of Productivity news from around the web. In this issue we look at how your bedtime habits could be detrimental to your health and productivity, and how you can use the general public to get you to finish your to-dos.

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Yeay! We’ve reached that time of the week again when work is over (for some of you at least) and you can sit back and relax with a nice cold glass of beer or wine and some interesting reading. I’m taking a break from our “Body Language Basics Series” to bring you our regularly scheduled Weekly Round-Up. Hopefully this weeks articles I’ve chosen will be interesting to you – enjoy!

13 Habits of Exceptionally Likeable People – Entrepreneur

Why they picked unlucky 13 for this post I don’t know, but ignoring that fact this post from Entrepreneur has some really good pointers on how to be more likeable – and unfortunately for you technophiles out there it includes putting away those phones of yours – sorry!

5 simple bedtime rituals that will make your mornings so much easier – Mashable

This list does contain some simple ideas for getting ready in the mornings better. I most like point 3 which states you should check the weather and pick out your clothes. I’m a big proponent of getting your wardrobe ready the night before and choosing it based on the weather is a great way of not getting caught out. Although saying that, this technique may not work in the U.K as they can’t seem to predict the weather from one minute to the next.

Sleep Deprivation Is Killing You and Your Career – Entrepreneur

Now that you have your evening ritual sorted you should be relaxed and able to get to sleep more easily but most of us aren’t getting the required 7 hours minimum that our bodies need. I must admit I’m terrible for not sleeping. I sleep 4 – 5 hours a night and then make up some time on the weekends. This is completely counter-intuitive and a habit I should get out of, and this post has certainly given me a reason to question my sleeping habits.

How a Public To-Do List Can Work for You If Nothing Else Does – Make Use Of

The idea behind the “Complete” app is quite similar to Coach.Me in that you pick a list of goals (or tasks) you want to complete and people can like/comment on them in order to help your motivation (You can read my review of Coach.Me here). Whilst I like the idea of being held accountable for some tasks I want to complete, there’s no way I would be willing to put my full to-do list online to be viewed by anyone and everyone – not that my tasks are dodgy mind you, I just value my privacy!

What do you think? Would you share your tasks in a public arena? Let me know in the comments if the Complete app is something I should look at.

How to Kill Your To-Do List – Early To Rise

“Kill” might be a little too strong a word, I think perhaps “Power Through” may have been better but I guess it doesn’t have the impact. Anyway, if you’re not into a public to-do list shaming then this article has some useful tips in how to get rid of a load of items on your to-do list that have been hanging around for a while.

The Truth about Your Email Inbox – Productive Day

This article gives you some useful pointers in you’re looking to clean up your email inbox – and can’t wait for my upcoming e-book on managing your email!

Get More Out of Your Notes with the Consolidation Method – Lifehacker

I wholeheartedly support this method which I used during my school and university days. I scribbled notes doen in class any way I wanted and the would go through them later rewriting them and highlighting passages as necessary. This really help things stick in my mind, plus my notes were neat and readable when I revisited them to do my revising.

I also think this is a good tools for writing notes in meetings. I always re-write my notes so that they’re clear and any main points then stick in my head.

Do you agree? Are scribbled notes enough, or do you just record everything on a dictaphone or your mobile and get it digitally transcribed later? Let us know in the comments!

3 Unconventional Methods to Overcome Procrastination – Pick The Brain

Amongst other things we need to be positive. Pick The Brain has three really simple and effective tips to help you get over your procrastination.

You Need A Saent To Help You Get Stuff Done – Saent

I was asked by the guys behind Saent (pronounced “Saint”) to point you guys in the direction of their Indiegogo campaign which is running until the end of July.

Saent is a simple button that links to software on your computer, pressing the button locks you into work mode and helps block out distractions. There’s a neat set of reporting tools so you can see if you’re being a Saent or a sinner (get it!) when it comes to your productivity. If you’re interested you can contribute to the Saent Indiegogo campaign at a variety of levels.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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1 thought on “Weekly Round-Up #28 – Bedtime tactics to improve your mornings, You're not sleeping enough and public to-do list shaming

  1. I have been visiting your site and I came upon this article – https://www.flippingheck.com/weekly-round-up-28-bedtime-tactics-to-improve-your-mornings-youre-not-sleeping-enough-and-public-to-do-list-shaming/

     Here are is a quality article  I discovered during my research which your readers should know and could be added to your site: How to Get Sleep When Dealing With Colic, As adults, our biological rhythms are set… (Source – http://www.coliccalm.com/baby_infant_newborn_articles/sleep-deprivation-and-colic.htm  

    Could you add this link to your site?
    Thank You,
    Stephanie Gillespie

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