Online Personality Test

Online Personality Test


The purpose of Personality I.D. is to reveal your natural personality identity. This assessment will also help you learn your strengths and weaknesses and your communication style for application at home, church, and work.

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I’ve just taken an online Personality Test (which I just love doing!) that measures your Personality traits:

The purpose of Personality I.D. is to reveal your natural personality identity.

This assessment will also help you learn your strengths and weaknesses and your communication style for application at home, church, and work.

I jump on any kind of test like, more often than not merely to stick my tongue out at them and proclaim “That’s so not me!”, however this one’s a little different – I think they actually got me pegged!

You answer a series of 16 questions, rating how the words relate to you from 1 (not at all) to 4 (very much); Your score is then worked out on a grid which gives you your personality type.

Mine was pretty much straight down the middle which makes me:

An Administrator

“Yuck!” I thought, however on reading the description I thought it sounded pretty accurate:

General Description
As your profile title suggests, Administrators combine the ability to get along with people (and include them in the outcome) with the determination to succeed at important goals. This blend of personality strengths makes you well suited for overseeing projects that require the cooperation of others.

Typical Areas of Strength
Administrators, like you, tend to be persistent and goal-oriented; you promote cooperation among family and friends in order to work together as a team. You can be good leaders by blending patience with firmness.

Typical Areas of Struggle
Due to your high commitment to reach your goals, you can sometimes come across as stubborn, inflexible to other options, and subject to right-or-wrong, no-middle-ground thinking.

Your Preferred Activities
To maximize your talents, you look for situations in which you can achieve, lead, define personal and family goals, and build win-win opportunities.

Your Communication Style
You typically build good relationships, which you use to delegate responsibilities, make assignments, and hold friends and family accountable for results.

I thought it was pretty good, how about you? You can take the test here

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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