Weekly Round-Up #251: Energy Efficiency, Zero Waste & Super Sleep
This week we take a look at how you can be more energy efficient, how you can achieve a zero waste lifestyle, the importance of hiring remote workers (and how you go about it) and how to sleep less but stay super-productive.

Welcome to this week’s round-up; I hope you’ve had a fun, safe and productive week.
With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s easy to forget that we’re in the midst of a Climate Crisis. Discussion about this has obviously been put on the back burner thanks to COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement (and rightly so) but we shouldn’t forget that we need to start making changes now if we’re to save our future. So, with that in mind, we have some great energy saving tips for your home (hint: turn off the lights and don’t leave things on standby for a start) and some tips on living a zero waste lifestyle.
We also have some tips on hiring remote workers – which most workers are at the moment for obvious reasons! And, if you’re like me, you’re probably spending a lot of time in bed – I mean, what else is there to do? Well, apparently you can sleep less, still have quality sleep and be super productive!
Employee Engagement Ideas: 70+ Ideas For Success In 2020 – Workvivo
What are some of the employee engagement ideas that any organization, big or small, can use to boost engagement, promote team productivity, improve company culture, and reach company goals faster and in a more sustainable way? In this article from Workvivo they give you some great ideas to re-engage your employees and help supercharge their productivity.
Using AI To Boost Productivity In The Workplace – Adzooma Blog
With technology advancing at breakneck speed, there are now a number of ways that AI can be used to improve your working day. Streamlining processes such as recruitment, administration and data analysis, intelligent software can prove itself to be an invaluable asset when it comes to assisting a workforce, increasing productivity and alleviating stress.
Top Energy Saving Ways For Your Home – GreenMatch
There are numerous tips on home energy conservation, starting from small habits in daily lives to big investments that not only help the environment but also reduce your energy bills. So what are some of the simple tips to reduce energy consumption at home?
Smartphone User Statistics In 2020 – UKWebHostReview
Mobile commerce is a rapidly growing market. It’s estimated that there will be 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide in 2020. It’s imperative that businesses focus on mobile marketing to ensure success. People use smartphones a lot. In fact, statistics show that most people spend 2 hours and 51 minutes, on average, per day on their mobile devices. We live in a society where people are addicted to their smartphones. Next time you’re out and about or in a coffee shop, pause and look around. Note how many people are using their smartphones.
Virtual Employees: What They Do And Why You Should Hire Them – Biz 3.0
Want to hire a virtual employee for your business? Most companies hire virtual employees to scale their businesses quickly and reduce their overheads. In this article, Time Doctor covers the five key benefits of hiring virtual employees for your business. We’ll also highlight a few things to keep in mind when hiring them and where you can hire them from.
How To Sleep Less And Better For Improved Productivity – SleePare
Experts in sleep medicine have linked poor sleep to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and depression. With so many different ages and stages in life, there’s no set number of hours one should aim for each night. In this article Sleepare looks at some ways you can decrease the amount of sleep you need without sacrificing the quality.
How to Create a Space and Lifestyle for Better Sleep – Porch
If you tend to toss and turn at night, your sleeping troubles could be due to stress, your health, or it may be the way your bedroom is currently structured. Whether you suffer from insomnia or experience occasional trouble getting a good night’s rest, there are some things you can do to enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep. One of the best things you can do for your health and well-being is to get adequate sleep each night. Read this article from Porch.com to learn more about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and how you can take proactive steps at home for a restful slumber.
15 Easy Ways To Live Zero Waste Lifestyle + A Beginner’s Guide To Trash-Free Living – EcoLifeMaster
Currently, 7.6 billion people produce 2 billion tonnes of waste annually. A study published in the Science Advances found 91% of plastic in the world doesn’t get recycled, and around 79% is kept on landfills or other places of the environment. If these rates don’t change, around 12,000 metric tons of plastic waste will crowd our planet by 2050. Based on this information, we might need 1.67 of Earths to continue our living if nothing has changed. So, how can you reduce waste and your impact in the environment? Ecolifemaster is here to show you how.
How Generations Research, Shop, & Review Online – Website Builder Expert
If you’re purchasing something from Amazon or eBay, you’ll probably read the reviews, right? I mean you don’t want to get caught out buying something that’s not what you thought it was or will break within a week. Did you know that the different generations view reviews differently? If you’re running a business that has any form of web presence it’s important to know how to use reviews to target your audience correctly.
30 Best Productivity Apps To Use In 2020 – Objektiv – Objektiv
If you’re looking to become more productive, form new habits or want to get your calendar in order then this article from Objektive has over 30 apps that will help you get back on track and storming those goals in no time.
2020 Business Owner Mindset Report: Hunger Is Not Enough To Succeed – tonyrobbins.com
Robbins Research International surveyed 524 business owners and entrepreneurs from the Tony Robbins Business Mastery alumni group and found out some eye-opening information. The study shows that most business owners (77%) believe they will be able to grow their business through the next recession, even though they are less sure about how they will do so.
10 Benefits Of Having Plants In The House – Urban
People often do not realise the many benefits of indoor plants at home and how they go past simply bringing a colourful visual into a room. There are several health and wellbeing benefits that filling your home, or even specific rooms, with plants can bring.
Should Kids Have Homework? Read The Pros & Cons – Parents Mode
The current situation aside, there’s long been an argument that kids get too much homework and that they should be allowed to use their time out of school to … be kids! Parents Mode takes a look at the issue and offers advice on how you can make homework fun and get through it faster.
The 18 Wonderful Ways Music Affects Our Brains – NuMusician
From a relatively common sense viewpoint, there should be little doubt that music (particularly learning how to play an instrument) can have a huge effect on the mind. You may be surprised as to how many ways. This article takes a fairly comprehensive look at the benefits music has on the brain.
Procrastination Guide For 2020 – The Most Chic
Are you a procrastinator? Well, if you live in Hawaii you probably are as this article shows that this state has the highest searches relating to procrastination in the US! Don’t worry though as The Most Chic has put together a guide to help you deal with your procrastination and get back to a more productive state.
Have A Great Week
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next time, Stay Productive!