The Best Bedroom Environment For A Great Night’s Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is a rare gem nowadays, with our busy schedules and work thoughts that keep us awake all night. There are so many distractions that keep us awake, that it’s almost impossible to receive the so much needed 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This is why many people suffer from insomnia, migraines, exhaustion and other unpleasant symptoms of sleep deprivation. However, by creating a healthy routine and following some basic rules, we can create the perfect bedroom environment that will allow us to sleep. Here are some on-point tips to help you get started

Getting a good night’s sleep is a rare gem nowadays, with our busy schedules and work thoughts that keep us awake all night. There are so many distractions that keep us awake, that it’s almost impossible to receive the so much needed 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This is why many people suffer from insomnia, migraines, exhaustion and other unpleasant symptoms of sleep deprivation. However, by creating a healthy routine and following some basic rules, we can create the perfect bedroom environment that will allow us to sleep. Here are some on-point tips to help you get started:
The Ultimate Temperature
According to the experts sleeping in а cooler room is more efficient than in a hot one. But you should know that there is no such thing as a perfect temperature for sleep because every organism is different. During the day, your body temperature rises and falls depending on your moods, the environment, the amount of sleep you’ve got the previous night or your health condition at the particular moment.
Precisely the same process takes place during the period you are asleep. The only difference here is that your body’s temperature follows the same pattern every night but with different stages. Your body’s temperature goes down the minute you start to feel drowsy, and this process continues until 5:00 AM when your body reaches its lowest temperature. From this moment on until dawn, your body’s temperature slowly starts to recover its normal state. This cycle repeats every night, but of course, things like the environment, your mental state, moods, and health condition affect the process.
This explains why the quality of the sleep you get is affected so much by the temperature of your sleeping environment. Hot air makes you restless. Specialists associate some forms of insomnia with improper body temperature regulation. As I already mentioned, the optimal sleep temperature is different for everyone, so go ahead and experiment until you find the ultimate one.
Sweating & Shivering During Sleep
To keep the ultimate healthy temperature, your body has its own heating and cooling mechanism. But the side effects of this may lead to a lack of quality and peaceful sleep.
When the temperature of your body rapidly rises, the sweating process begins. Your body’s reaction is natural and is meant to cool your body down by evaporating the sweat off your skin. If you wake up all damp in the morning too often, it’s time to start thinking about what causes it.
The most likely options could be the environment in your bedroom, blankets, pyjamas or your mattress. If they keep you too warm and feel uncomfortable, think about replacing them with new ones. There are many different options on the market. It would be easier and more helpful for you to consult with a professional sleeping equipment provider to be sure that your problem will be solved from the first visit to the store.
The opposite of sweating is shivering. It appears when the temperature in your bedroom is too low. When shivering, the muscles of your body contract and expand extremely fast to produce heat. This process, just like sweating, happens without our conscious knowledge and interferes with the quality of our sleep.
Bed Surfaces and Good Sleep
To avoid waking up all achy and stiff, better choose carefully the mattress you sleep on. Essential factors for a great sleep are the proper pillows, pillow protectors (international link), sheets and pyjamas. They should be made of soft and delicate fabrics. This will raise the quality of your sleep drastically. You should be most careful about the mattress choice. It should support your back and fit you well so that you can enjoy a long and comfortable sleep.
Not always the standards for a good mattress match your preferences. Sometimes even the most expensive, firm and luxurious one is not right for your body type and structure. To both mattress and pillows applies the same rule: soft or firm is a matter of what feels best through the night. The number of pillows depends on the position you sleep in. My advice is to check your pillows for lumps regularly and replace the old pillows on time before they become shapeless or lumpy.
Dust & Air Conditioning
The quality of the air in the room you sleep in can also affect your sleep. This is essential not only for people with asthma and dust allergies. Trouble breathing at night can lead to snoring and unwanted awakenings during the night that will disturb the smooth running of your sleep. To avoid these things, you should regularly sanitise the air conditioning and maintain a clean sleeping atmosphere.
Dust in the air comes not only from dirty air conditioning but also from an unmaintained room environment. The regular cleaning you do with a vacuum cleaner is not enough because dust sticks deep in the fibres of your carpeting and upholstery. My advice is to take advantage of professional upholstery or carpet deep cleaning methods once or twice a year to improve the quality of the indoor air, and subsequently – the quality of your sleep.
And remember, the best sleep requires at least one window open if the weather condition allows it, of course.