September 7, 2024

When Good Bosses Accidentally Go Bad


You might think that you’re the best boss in the world because you put a foosball table in the rest area, but are you looking after all your employee’s needs? In this article we take a look at a few of the things you may have missed that could make your employee’s view you as a “bad” boss.

When Good Bosses Accidentally Go Bad
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When you first started taking on staff, the chances are that you determined to treat them right. No one wants to be the big bad boss. The chances are that you’ve done everything possible to be the best possible boss. Even when staff make mistakes, you’re the leader who never shouts. So, you can rest easy that you’re not one of the bad ones.

Or, are you? In truth, there are a few mistakes which, if overlooked, could get employees grumbling. These are small things, which likely didn’t even enter your head when you embarked on employment. But, if you continue to fail at addressing them, you’ll soon find yourself losing respect. To stop that happening, we’re going to look at what those mistakes are, and how you can address them.

Not Noticing Problems In The Office

As the boss, you’re taking on more than just a workforce. You’re also taking on board any office issues. You’re in charge. So, in office bullying, divides, and even discrimination, fall on your shoulders. And, don’t think that you only have to deal with these issues if staff members approach you.

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These are difficult workplace situations, and there are many reasons victims of such problems may not approach you. It could be that other team members are threatening them, or that they feel embarrassed. Even so, failing to intervene in these situations makes you a bad boss. Your employee welfare is, after all, down to you. It should be fairly obvious if a team member isn’t happy. Always look out for the signs. If someone seems on the edge of the group, there could be something going on.

Inadequate Coverage

As a UK employer, you have a legal responsibility to get business insurance. Even having one employee means you need at least £5 million cover. That’s the rules. This ensures staff members feel safe and secure in the workplace. It also ensures you adhere to health and safety, and other regulations. You may not even notice you have inadequate insurance until an issue crops up. And, that can be bad news for you and your employees. The good news is, companies like Equify can do a risk assessment on your current policy. They’ll be able to judge the quality of services and offer better options if necessary. So, there’s no excuse to keep making this mistake.

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Expecting Employees To Work As Hard As You Do

As a business owner, the chances are that your enterprise is your baby. And, it’s all too easy to think it means the same to your employees. Now, there’s every chance your company means a lot to them, too. But, you can’t expect them to put in the hours you do. Even if you pay them for extra work, expecting too much is a surefire way to get yourself in the bad boss books. Realise that your staff have lives outside of what you’re doing. You can stay in the office, but that doesn’t mean they have to.

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