What Type Of Procrastinator Are You?
I’m sure we’re all aware that procrastination is putting a task off or not completing it at all but did you know that’s not the end of it? I discovered that not all procrastination is them same, there’s isn’t a “one size fits all” procrastination style, there are actually 6 different types so let’s take a look at what they are.

How are you? I’ve been procrastinating a tonne this week. I think the cold weather, dark mornings and it getting dark early in the evening have just poured cold water on my motivation and I’ve really been struggling.
So because I have no motivation, I have done what I do best and that’s procrastinate.
What Is Procrastination?
I’m sure we’re all aware that procrastination is putting a task off or not completing it at all but did you know that’s not the end of it?
I discovered that not all procrastination is them same, there’s isn’t a “one size fits all” procrastination style, there are actually 6 different types:
1. The Worrier
This type of procrastinator feels some form of imposter syndrome – they worry that the work or the outcome won’t be good enough and so they continually put off the task until the last minute when they have to do it whether it will be any good or not.
2. The Perfectionist
This procrastination type has to ensure that the outcome will be perfect. The problem is that the idea of “perfect” can keep shifting meaning that it’s an unattainable goal that can never be met. This means they can feel double failure – that the task won’t be (or isn’t) perfect when complete so they failed or that they’ve failed because they didn’t complete the on time or at all.
3. The Over-Doer
The over-doer takes on too many tasks – they find it extremely difficult to say “No” and then find it difficult to manage the tasks and priorities. This leads to a fear of failure as they’re unable to keep up with, or finish all their tasks on time and to a standard that they’re happy with or that they’re letting others down.
4. The Drama Queen
There used to be an advert on UK TV with the tag line “We won’t make a drama out of a crisis”, well the drama queen takes something that’s just a normal task and makes it a crisis on purpose. Why? Well they like the rush of working against a deadline and feel that it motivates them to get the task done. Personally I also think they like to create the narrative that they’re “so overworked” and have “so much on” and “not enough time” to make them a sort of procrastination martyr even though is a situation of their own making.
5. The Rebel
If you tell a rebel procrastinator to do something, or set a deadline then be prepared to not have that task completed on time. The Rebel will want to do things on their own terms, in their own way and at their own pace typically feeling that the task allotted to them is beneath them and their other tasks are more important.
6. The Dreamer
The dreamer often underestimates how long a task will take, underestimates its importance or doesn’t think they need to do this sort of task to help fulfil their dreams, rather that hard work isn’t necessary and rewards will just come their way.
What Type Of Procrastinator Are You?
I recognise myself in pretty much all 6 procrastinator types – I guess we all move through them at different stages of our lives or settle into one mode depending on current circumstances such as job role, level of health and interest in the subject amongst other factors.
I thought that I’m currently in a cross between the “Worrier” and “Perfectionist” roles but how do we know what our current role is? A quiz of course!
So I did the most scientific thing possible I took a Buzzfeed Quiz! It reckons that I am an Over-Doer (although it calls it an “overwhelmed procrastinator”) but I’m not so sure.
Does your Buzzfeed result match what you think your procrastination type? Would you be interested if we were to make a better quiz that might more accurately reflect what the procrastination types are? Hit reply and let us know if you want a quiz from us!