What To Consider When Your Business Starts Growing
When your business starts taking off, it’s all too easy to get a bit excited and forget what you need to be concentrating on to ensure the growth continues. In this article, Kevin Faber takes a look at 6 things you need to keep an eye on when your business is in it’s early growth stages to ensure great customer service and continues success.

It feels so good when your business starts growing. You put in countless hours of work that most people don’t know about, and so it is extremely gratifying to see your business start to blossom. It’s almost a spiritual experience. However, the celebrations can’t last too long. After letting yourself feel good for a moment, you have to get back to work to make sure the growth continues. Here are some things that you should be focusing on to make sure you continue to grow.
1. Authentic purpose
Every business needs to know why they exist. A company that has a definite purpose is more likely to experience growth and profitability. When a business has a defined and positive purpose, everyone works hard to achieve growth and success. As a result, the products created and services given are of higher quality.
2. Create a powerful brand
One of the causes of brand failure is attempting to become too broad. If you want your business to be scalable, you have to understand the importance of brand equity and emotional connections with your clients. It is those attachments you form with the clients that make them come back to you. If you want to build your brand, you have to make sure you develop and sustain relationships with your customers. Proper selection of your target audience helps in building a brand.
3. Consider partnerships and collaborations
When your business is starting up, you might be tempted to do everything alone. Taking all matters into your hands is necessary sometimes, but you run a large risk when you begin to work in areas where you lack experience and expertise. It’s 2018, there are websites for specialized resources like banking, recruiting, design, and development. You need to give them some serious consideration. Sending an email or making a phone call will give you an idea of their pricing structure and if it’s something you can afford. A great example of a business you can partner with is the JMJ Phillip group. They have various resources to help you find great people to hire, and their network runs deep in various industries.
4. Customer retention
This is pretty basic stuff, but if you don’t have clients, you don’t have a business. It can cost five times more to find new customers than to retain current ones. Successful retention starts the moment the clients come into contact with your business and continues throughout the lifetime of the relationship. If you treat your clients well, they will come back for more of your products or services. Before you start focusing on winning over new clients, make sure your current clientele is satisfied.
5. Flexible and adaptive leadership
Managers and owners have to be in charge of all the needs of the business in every stage of growth. Since the needs of the company are continuously changing, the leaders need to ensure they evolve at the right pace. For you to be an adaptive and flexible leader, you have to be mindful of the people you work with on a daily basis. Once you are cognizant of others, you will be able to get a team that is productive and efficient. Additionally, a good leader needs to know how to find employees who are qualified for the job. Your employees will determine the success of your strategies and, overall, the success of your business.
6. Repeatable sales
In the world of business, creating a brand that is unique is not enough. Getting first-time clients is a big challenge, but it isn’t the biggest. For your business to grow, you need to make sure you have repeat sales. An excellent repeatable sales model is vital to all growing businesses. For you to be able to get the right model, intensive research has to done.
If your business starts growing, you need to be extremely careful. As much as business growth is a good thing, if not well managed, it can make you crumble. Therefore, follow the tips in this article carefully, and you will be on your way to success.