What Kind Of Exercise Suits Your Personality?

What Kind Of Exercise Suits Your Personality?


If you look on the internet, there are thousands upon thousands of articles debating which type of exercise is better for you. Cardio, weights, callisthenics, classes. The list goes on. But when it comes to your exercise regime, the best kind of exercise is the type you can stick to. Different people respond differently to various forms of exercise. If you’re easily bored, then long stretches or cardio will be your worst nightmare and you won’t be able to sustain it for long. So what options are available for people looking to make exercise part of their lives.

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If you look on the internet, there are thousands upon thousands of articles debating which type of exercise is better for you. Cardio, weights, callisthenics, classes. The list goes on. But when it comes to your exercise regime, the best kind of exercise is the type you can stick to.

Different people respond differently to various forms of exercise. If you’re easily bored, then long stretches or cardio will be your worst nightmare and you won’t be able to sustain it for long. So what options are available for people looking to make exercise part of their lives.

Working Out At Home

Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, so getting out to the gym for a few hours is impossible. Being able to work out at home is a great option for a lot of people.

You can set up some equipment in a spare corner of your home, exercise to some YouTube videos or find the Best Online Personal Trainer to motivate you as you get fit. There are a lot of different fitness programmes you can do at home, from yoga to high-intensity cardio.

Going To The Gym

During the pandemic, people either found out that they didn’t need the gym to get a good workout and cancelled their memberships, or decided that they missed out on the social aspect of the gym. Lockdown and long periods of being stuck at home have made us crave activity outside of the home. Gyms are working hard to get people back exercising after long periods of being closed to members.

Exercising Outside

There are a lot of benefits of being outside to exercise. It has been shown to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, decrease your risk of insomnia and gives you the chance to exercise in a different environment whenever you want.

If you spend a lot of time indoors for work or family, then you might want to consider exercising outside for a change, especially in the months when the weather is better.

Exercise Classes

A regular class can be extremely motivating and inspirational to many people. Going through the same exercises as the rest of the class helps you to feel like you’re a part of a community and make improvements together.

There are classes for most types of exercise, from weights to body combat.

Team Sports

Playing alongside others is a great way to get fit without any kind of structured exercise. Team sports are great for spending time with your friends and teammates and you’ll be more likely to stick to this type of activity as you don’t want to let your teammates down.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to make long term changes to your exercise regime, then you’re going to need to find an activity you can stick to consistently in order to make progress. You know your own personality best and the types of exercise that will keep you interested and keep you active

Featured Image: Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash
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