Welcome Lifehack Readers!
Yes, I’ve only gone and been recognised by a big site again – yeay me! Lifehack have put up a list of productivity related blogs, called 50+ Personal Productivity Blogs You’ve Never Heard of Before (and about a dozen you probably have) and they’ve featured yours truly in the list.

Yes, I’ve only gone and been recognised by a big site again – yeay me!
Lifehack have put up a list of productivity related blogs, called 50+ Personal Productivity Blogs You’ve Never Heard of Before (and about a dozen you probably have) and they’ve featured yours truly in the list.
So, if you’re here visiting from Lifehack or are just visiting, here are a few choice posts for you to have a gander at:
- Improving Outlook with a custom dashboard – Change your “Today” page into a super-duper productivity zone
- How to Market your blog and keep your readers – A simple guide to getting more people to read your blog
- Using Flags and Rules in Outlook 2003 for GTD – Why pay for an expensive plug-in when you can do it for free?!
- Grocery Shopping Hack – Weekly Shopping lists – Make your trip to the supermarket easier with this handy printout and never forget anything again! (And check out the updated version here)
- Getting things done with Thunderbird – How to use the free Thunderbird email client to organise your life
- How to write good meeting minutes – Probably the most popular post I’ve ever written. Learn how to write minutes an run meetings
- Managing Web Projects – The whole Shebang – A list of all of the chapters of my e-Book “Managing Web Projects” available online for free, aren’t I nice?
- My Killer GTD Setup – See how I (allegedly!) keep myself organised
- GTD Back to basics series – A review of the principles of Getting Things Done
- Also, don’t forget to check out the downloads section for some great wallpapers and forms to get you motivated and organised
So, if you like what you see, don’t forget to my newsletter and grab your FREE copy of my E-Book “Managing Meetings” – yes, you heard me, it’s free, no strings attached!
P.S Regular readers may have noticed I’ve been a bit quiet lately. I haven’t deserted you, it’s just what happens when you try and catch up with everything after a weeks holiday! I’ve some great posts lined up so stay tuned!