Weekly Round-Up #301: Task Management, Sustainable Gardening And Job Interview Tips

Weekly Round-Up #301: Task Management, Sustainable Gardening And Job Interview Tips


This week we have a massive list of to-do apps which will help you manage your tasks, how you can be a sustainable gardener (and save the planet while you’re doing it) and give you 20 essential job interview tips – although you might want to take most of them with a pinch of salt!

Person planting a seedling in soil
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we have a massive list of to-do apps which will help you manage your tasks, how you can be a sustainable gardener (and save the planet while you’re doing it) and give you 20 essential job interview tips – although you might want to take most of them with a pinch of salt!

53 Best To-do List Apps of 2022 for Personal Task Management – nTask

Each new day, a list of tasks awaits us. Some of them are more interesting than others. Nevertheless, the importance of completing these tasks is undisputed, especially if they build on a daily basis. There are so many of these so-called “”best to-do list apps”” which claim to make your life easier and while most of these apps stand up to the mark and can help to make things incredibly easy and organized, the criteria for their selection remains a puzzle.

The guys at nTask decided to do an extensive round-up of best do to list apps. The content is lengthy, no doubt, but you will be able to select a handful of applications that will fit your needs.

How To Use Sustainable Gardening And Save The Planet – Gardening Mentor

Gardening can be fun.

It’s a great feeling to grow your own food. You know you’re eating the healthy, nutritious, and delicious fruits and vegetables from your garden.

You’re a big fan of organic gardening and try to keep your garden as organic as possible.

That’s the best thing you can do for your family.

But there’s something more you can do. Something that can help the environment. Something that makes your garden more sustainable.

Automating Workflows (12 Steps) – Quandary Consulting Group

Your business is full of workflows. Every action your employees take to get a job done consists of several interconnected processes. And chances are that many of these manual tasks are unnecessarily time-consuming and expensive. Worse, they can even put your business at unnecessary risk.

If you’re a growing business looking to scale efficiently, you should be automating your workflows. This guide from Quandrary will show you how in 12 easy steps.”

Lectin-Free Superfoods To Eat Now – Healthcanal.com

Lectins are a type of protein that occurs naturally in most plant foods and some animal-based foods. Some plant foods contain higher levels of lectins than others, such as legumes and nightshade vegetables.

Currently, the scientific evidence on the health effects of lectins in humans is divided. According to Mayo Clinic, consuming large amounts of lectins may be harmful to human health, but it is unlikely a typical daily diet would entail that amount. Processing and cooking methods before consumption typically reduce lectins. But some studies show consuming lectins in small amounts may benefit human health, so this article takes a look at how you might want to reduce your lectin intake while still maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Project Management App – Miranda Nahmias & Co.

As online service providers, the nature of our work is that we have multiple different projects going on with multiple different clients at the same time. (Not to mention all of our own stuff!) You need to figure out some way to manage all of this information, but deciding on the best project management app for you can be quite a headache.

Do you just make free accounts on all of them and try them out? That seems pretty overwhelming!

Instead of making you go through all that trouble, Miranda Nahmias has taken the time to look at each project management system from the inside out, and hopefully this post will give you a good idea of the pros, cons, and features of each, so that you can make an easy decision on which is the best project management app for you and your business!

Phones By The Numbers: 22 Surprising Smartphone Statistics – Cellphone Deal

Smartphones have taken the world by storm. Phones have become intertwined with almost all aspects of our lives after all, nearly everyone has one, and we’re pretty much glued to them 24/7. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is up for interpretation, they offer up the ability to be connected 24 but also that leads to the fact we’re expected to be connected 24/7 as well.

So in this article CellPhoneDeal looks at some stats related to phones. Some are surprising, and others are downright shocking, but they all give us some insight into just how important phones have become in the year 2021.”

Why Kids Stop Reading For Fun By Age 9 (And What To Do About It) – Lifehacker

A national reading survey by Scholastic reveals something they’re calling the “decline by nine.” According to the report, the percentage of kids defined as frequent readers—those who read books for fun five to seven days a week— drops from 57% among 8-year-olds to 35% among 9-year-olds. Between ages eight and nine, the number of kids who say they love reading plummets from 40% to 28%. What happens during this year, and more importantly, what can parents do to keep their young readers reading, willingly?

How To Create A Customizable Task Board To Prioritize Your Life – Quill.com Blog

Staying organized at work and at home has its obstacles. Stacks of ongoing to-do lists can get messy and cumbersome, whether we’re talking about daily chores around the house or big team projects at the office. Task boards simplify project management with a tangible, visual framework. You can use a task board to manage individual tasks or team tasks.

Task boards come in a variety of shapes and sizes and you can customize yours based on your needs. The base can be made from poster board, cork board, windows, sheet metal, and more. Sticky notes are a staple for many task boards because they are easy to move from one step to the next. You can also use different colored notes to signify different priority levels or different types of tasks. Ready to make your own task board? Read this article from Quill.com for more ideas and tips.

Understanding The Salary Benchmarking Process – Salary.com

Salary benchmarking helps your organization to ensure that your internal pay rates remain competitive within your local pay markets. In today’s competitive talent landscape, benchmarking allows you to assess how you’re positioned relative to market, enabling you to make smart pricing decisions that enable you to attract and retain top talent. While salary benchmarking is a critical part of the annual compensation cycle, it is ultimately only as good as the data – and the process – through which you benchmark.

When pricing a new position, it’s critical to understand not only the key attributes of the positions you’re trying to price, but also how you’ll be sourcing the data necessary to conduct an accurate market assessment and salary comparison. This article from Salary.com looks at what you need to consider during your salary benchmarking process, what pitfulls you may come across and how to find the best employees.

There Is Nothing Natural About The Way We Work – Vice

The hunter in question was Ju’hoansi, a “bushman” of southern Africa. He was describing an activity that, for 150,000 years, had been the primary occupation of his people. That feeling of deep satisfaction at the end of a working day is rare for many workers across the world. We are alienated, and have been for centuries. We have to work in order to survive, but while we are told to love what we do and that our workplaces are our families, meaningful work that also pays the bills is harder and harder to come by.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought these interlocking crises into focus. A vast recession is underway. Calls for shorter working weeks, renewed and expanded free public services and universal basic income are becoming ever more urgent as a result. But what does this mean for how we are working – and should be be working a 9-5 in the first place? Vice takes a look at our working hours and the impact it’s having on us.

20 Essential Job Interview Tips – The Poke

So your CV is good enough to get an interview and now you need some tips and strategies to seal the deal? Comedian Michael Spicer has some essential advice to help you ace the interview.

I Tried The 4-7-8 Sleep Technique And My God, It Worked Like A Dream – Well+Good

The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise is adopted from the yogic practice of pranayama, meaning “regulation of breath.” It has since been developed as a way to lull the body into a state of deep relaxation. It’s meant to diminish stress and bring balance to the body, all the while giving your organs and tissues a much-needed oxygen boost.

6 Simple Things To Help You Get Out Of Bed When You’re Depressed – The Best Brain Possible

Although we still don’t know all that we’d like to, science has come a long way in understanding what depression looks like in your brain.

It’s now known that what you do in your life every day, because of neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change both physical form and function based on your behaviors, emotions, and thoughts, rewires your brain. Your brain can slip into and stay in a downward spiral of depression, anxiety, and stress, which you may unknowingly reinforce with your lifestyle. When you’re stuck here, just getting out of bed in the morning can be challenging.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a single pill or practice that cures depression or makes your brain calm and happy. However, we have learned that having a happy brain can be supported by your habits. There are simple things you can do help your brain become more positive, resilient, and motivated to get up and get going in the morning – even in the midst of depression and The Best Brain Possible breaks these down into bitesized tips for you to try out.

How Big Is Your Carbon Footprint? Here’s How To Check – HuffPost UK

Carbon emissions and footprints are frequently mentioned in conversations about living more sustainably but getting to the bottom of what they are – and finding out yours – can feel confusing.

Checking your carbon footprint is actually an easy way to assess the impact your actions are having on the planet and understanding it can help you make small changes which will have a positive effect on the world around us.

If you’ve no idea where to start, this article from the Huffinton Post has everything you need to know.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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