February 23, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #222: Screen Sharing Mishaps, Meditating In Bed & Be Meeting Smart


In this week’s round-up we look at the problems that can arise from sharing your screen during meetings, how to meditate in bed so you can get a better night’s sleep and how a few simple phrases can make you seem super smart.

Weekly Round-Up #222: Screen Sharing Mishaps, Meditating In Bed & Be Meeting Smart
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a productive week.

In this week’s round-up we look at the problems that can arise from sharing your screen during meetings, how to meditate in bed so you can get a better night’s sleep and how a few simple phrases can make you seem super smart.

Nooooo! The Embarrassing Consequences Of Screen Sharing At Work – Seattle Times

If you’re presenting at work you might want to make sure that you have your screen sharing settings on lockdown. Not sure why? These horror stories will explain all!

Vertical Gardening: The Best Way To Grow An Amazing Garden – Gardening Mentor

You don’t need a huge space in your garden to be able to grow fresh produce. Instead of spreading out, why not go up instead?

The Ultimate Guide To SEO In 2019 – Cardinal Digital Marketing

With more and more sales moving online (and a lot of those being through mobile devices) it’s important that the right people can find your product or service. To do this you need to know Search Engine Optimisation (or SEO) and this article looks at what you need to know in 2019.

10 Referral Program Strategies To Steal – Valpak – Valpak

If you want to drive people to your website to buy your product or service then as well as SEO you can use referrals to increase your audience. It’s not all about customer testimonials and having someone share a couple of links on social media and this article explains what other methods you can use.

The Billionaire Space Race – RS Components

For years, some of the world’s richest entrepreneurs have been investing in space exploration, hoping to become industry leaders in the growing commercial market. RS Components have looked at key milestones for SpaceX, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic to see what they have achieved so far.

How To Meditate In Bed For Better Sleep – Freedom Genesis

Having trouble dropping off at night? How about meditating in bed? You might think that meditating is sitting in the lotus position chanting “Om” but it’s much more than that.

Atelier Décor: What 6 Rooms From Famous Paintings Would Look Like In Real Life – Home Advisor

What would Van Gogh’s bedroom or Kandinsky’s Dining Room look like as real rooms? Check out Home Advisor’s article to see some classic paintings brought to live.

The Art Of Tidying Up: A Complete Guide To A Decluttered Life – Groom and Style

Spring is here (well, almost here in the UK) so your thoughts may be turning to spring cleaning. If you’re not sure where to start then this massive guide from Groom and Style will help you get your house ship shape in no time.

Concussion In Sport – Samurai Sports

Concussion in sport has been getting more and more press recently as the long term effects are just becoming know. If you play a high-risk sport here are some of the things you should look out for.

Which College Majors Have The Highest Salaries? – One Class

Who would have thought that a degree in European History is one of the highest earning humanities subjects! See the salary range of other degrees here.

Your Guide To Starting That Task You Have Been Avoiding – NetCredit

If there was an award for procrastination I would be a nobel prize winner! But, we all need to get that task we’ve been putting off started at some point and here’s some great advice on how to get the ball rolling.

From Lackluster Office Décor To Irritating Office Jargon: The Biggest Office Complaints – Quill

Anyone who works in an office can rattle off a list of what frustrates them about their work space or coworkers. And these irritations likely interfere with employees’ ability to get things done. From temperature and buzzwords to the lack of natural light, this survey reveals what employees really think about their office space.

Infographic On How To Be Happier At Work – Expo Cart

Did you know that only 51% of people are satisfied with their jobs? Alongside this, 90% of people said they were stressed in their jobs. These aren’t the most positive of statistics.

Your employer can do much to help improve workplace happiness but there are some things you can do yourself and this article from ExpoCart takes a look at some of the small changes you can make to your daily routine.

The Modern Trap Of Feeling Obligated To Turn Hobbies Into Hustles – Man Repeller

It seems every time you speak to someone they’re turning their hobby into a “side hustle”. Sure, it’s nice to have a little extra money but is the use of your time and energy worth it? Should a hobby just remain something you do for fun? This article at Man Repeller thinks so.

20 Tricks To Appear Smart In Meetings – Sad And Useless

This week’s friday funny brings you some phrases to use in meetings that will make you look like the smartest person in the room. You can also link these up with a game of buzzword bingo so that’s a double bonus!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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