Weekly Round-Up #220: Remote Working Challenges, How To Form Habits & Finding The Right Candidate


This week we look at the challenges of remote working, Habits and what questions to ask a job candidate.

Weekly Round-Up #220: Remote Working Challenges, How To Form Habits & Finding The Right Candidate
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope it finds you well and you’ve had a productive week.

This week we look at the challenges of remote working, Habits and what questions to ask a job candidate.

10 Challenges Of Working Remotely (And How To Overcome Them) – Time Doctor

The benefits of remote work are numerous. You can pack up and move to Bali for three months. You can schedule appointments throughout the day, and no one will ask why you’re leaving the office early. And you don’t have to feel the stress of a long commute.

But let’s face it, being a remote employee isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There are some challenges of remote working that you and the organization you work for must overcome in order for you to be successful.

The UK City Start-Up Boom – Plus.net

Moving to London to find jobs and success has become a rite of passage for many British people. While the financial centre of the UK is undoubtedly full of opportunities, other areas are beginning to challenge the capital’s popularity. Around the country, there are thousands of business owners shirking tradition by choosing to set up a business in their own home towns.

This survey of 1000 business owners shows that you don’t need to be in London to start your own company.

Guide To Retractable Awnings – Retractable Awnings

My neighbours have a retractable awning and I must admit I am a bit jealous! They’re a lot more flexible than having to mess around with a big parasole if you want a little bit of shade – and you don’t need to worry about them blowing around in a gale. But, what should you look for if you want to spruce up your patio or garden with one? This infographic is here to give you all the advice you need!

Habits – Conscioused

Why do you need to understand elephants if you want to master your habits? The Conscioused website uses this wonderful analogy to help you understand your motivations, why some habits stick and others don’t, and why it’s important to tame your elephant if you want to stay on track with your goals.

Guide To Sustainable Cooking  – Leisure Cooker

A recent report has showed that UK consumers are more concerned than ever about food sustainability.

In light of this, Leisure Cooker have spoken with leading food industry experts and local foodie brands creating a Guide to Sustainable Cooking. I have to admit this is something I need to work on more over the next year – I’m getting really good at limiting my food waste and growing my own veg but I really need to look into being a bit more sustainable, especially as we have so many wonderful local companies that supply a wide range of produce.

The UK’s Favourite Holiday Destinations  – Alpha Travel Insurance

What’s the UK’s favourite holiday destinations – the short haul destinations may change a little bit after Brexit though!

50 Best Self Help Books To Buy In 2018 – Self Development Secrets

If you’re looking to improve yourself then you’ll probably want to do some reading around the subject. The problem is that there are so many books on the market it can be difficult to know where to start so Self Development Secrets has put together a list of 50 self-improvement books you need to read in 2019.

Don’t forget to check out our list of 100+ blogs to read and our pick of the self-improvement books

Weekly Round-Up #100: 100+ Productivity Blogs You Need To Read In 2017
I thought I'd do something a little special for our 100th Weekly Round-Up so I've put together a list of great productivity blogs for you to check out. Some will be familiar, others won't so if you want to get your productivity self in
Top 10 Self Help Books To Read In 2018
It's the New Year so you've probably got all of your resolutions written down and you're all set to achieve them - but how? In this article WIlliam Grigsby reviews 10 Self Help books that will help make a better you in 2018

How To Deal With Workplace Burnout Using Science – Inverse

Employee burnout can cost US businesses up to $300 billion annually. When you see a dollar amount put against the issue of stress at work it becomes easy to see why companies need to take it seriously and put things in place to mitigate it.

Top 11 Best Jobs For Introverts In 2019 – ZipJob

The beginning of this article puts a bit of a simplistic spin on whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Their definition is a bit weak so head on over to 16 Personalities for a free test – it’s a bit long (so grab a coffee before you start!) but well worth taking!

I’m an introvert that has some extroverted tendencies when needed (trust me to awkward, right) but I do like working on my own so that’s probably why I’m a blogger and web developer!

5 Clever Interview Questions To Uncover Candidates’ Hidden Strengths – LinkedIn

I hate the recruitment process. So many companies use AI and a set system of questions to filter candidates that they can quite easily miss out on the best fit for the job. Why? Check out some of these questions you should ask candidates that will reveal hidden talents that even they might not be aware of.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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