Weekly Round-Up #285: Podcasts, Green Tea, Cold Brew & Marketing Plans

Weekly Round-Up #285: Podcasts, Green Tea, Cold Brew & Marketing Plans


In this week’s round-up we take a look at the best business podcasts you can listen to if you’re a small business owner (or interested in business), take a look at what Green Tea and Cold Brew coffee are and, finally, we also take a look at how you can put together a marketing plan and why you need one for your business.

Milk being poured into iced coffee
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a safe, fun and productive week.

In this week’s round-up we take a look at the best business podcasts you can listen to if you’re a small business owner (or interested in business), take a look at what Green Tea and Cold Brew coffee are and, finally, we also take a look at how you can put together a marketing plan and why you need one for your business.

Best Business Podcasts – CreditCards.com

Podcasts are one of the most powerful tools for growing your business. Whether you listen to them out on your daily walk or run a podcast that generates advertising revenue for you, they’re a great way to stay connected to the small business community and add to your professional knowledge. So which podcasts should you listen to? Many small business owners gravitate to either inspiring business podcasts or industry-specific ones. You can type keywords into the search engine Listen Notes to find the latest podcasts on subjects that interest you. For instance, if you’re looking to learn about social media, you might type that phrase into the search.

If you’re looking for ideas on which podcasts to listen to, CreditCard.com have some recommendations for small business owners.

What Is Green Tea:All You Need Know Is In It – BestTeaSupplier

Green tea is a type of “true tea” made from tea plant leaves. The leaves are plucked, slightly withered, and then cooked immediately to preserve the green quality and prevent oxidization. As a result of these methods, green teas have a much higher concentration of chlorophyll, polyphenols, and antioxidants than other tea types.Green tea is mostly cultivated in china and japan but popular among several households today.

Green tea has been used for medicinal purposes years ago and even to date. Some of the health benefits of green tea are still being debated. Still, there is no doubt that green tea possesses antioxidant-rich elements that may alleviate diseases. In this article, Best Tea Supplier looks at what types of green teas are available and the variety of benefits that come from drinking it.

What Is Cold Brew Coffee? The Ultimate In-Depth Guide – CoffeeLifious

Brewing coffee is definitely an art in and of itself. That’s why there are a dozen of different brewing methods that you can try. And undoubtedly one of the most popular ones is the cold brew technique. But what is cold brew coffee? Fear not! Coffee Lifios is here to explain what cold brew is and, most importantly, how you can get your cold brew fix at home.

How To Create A Marketing Plan – Visme Blog

A solid marketing plan can take your business to new heights. But creating the perfect plan can be difficult, especially if you have never done this before.

There are so many sample marketing plans out there that it’s easy to get confused about the things you should definitely include. No worries, though. I’ve got you covered.

Reading this great article for a step-by-step guide on creating a marketing plan that will work for almost every kind of business. You’ll also find a bunch of marketing plan templates to help you get started with your own.

What Are The Benefits Of Therapy? – Choosing Therapy

Therapy offers numerous benefits to our total well-being. Working with a therapist can help us recognize and change unhelpful thought patterns, express and positively deal with a host of overwhelming emotions, and create new actions and behaviors to accomplish goals and bring more of what we want into our lives. The effectiveness and benefits of therapy are well-supported by research.

In this article, Choosing Therapy looks at the different types of therapy that are available and what the various benefits of each type are.

King Of The Grill: The Ultimate Guide To Grilling – Own The Grill

The idea of a sunny day, a high-quality grill, and sharing some outside time with friends over some succulent grill-fresh food and an icy beverage of your choice feels like it should be written into the US Constitution.

But if you’ve never grilled before, and you want to ascend to that shining city of the grill, you can’t just wander up in a comedy apron and a fluffy hat.

You’re going to need a crash course in what to grill, what to grill it on, how to grill, not kill, and how to use your grill to make mouth-watering memories for all your guests.

Put on your big grillin’ britches – Own The Grill are about to make you the King, Queen, or Non-Binary Superstar Sovereign of the Grill.

Overwhelmed? These 6 Strategies May Help – Psych Central

Feeling overwhelmed has many faces. Overwhelm might manifest as an intense emotion, such as anxiety, anger or irritability; maladaptive thought process, such as worry, doubt or helplessness; and behavior, such as crying, lashing out or experiencing a panic attack. Whatever the reason behind your overwhelm, PsychCentral have six strategies to help.

Insufficient Sleep: A Public Health Problem – My Prime Clean

Insufficient sleep has been defined as a public health epidemic in the United States, and researchers agree. A survey published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that only 65% of adults reported a healthy sleep duration. This implies that the other 35% of the respondents are not getting sufficient sleep.

In this article, PrimeClean defines sleep deprivation and identify its various types. They also look at some causes of insufficient sleep, sleep apnea, sleep-related unhealthy behavior, and the effects of sleep deprivation. Finally, they give examples of how sleep deprivation can be treated.

The UKs Top Bedroom Pet Peeves & Bad Habits Revealed – Bed Guru

Bed Guru has surveyed 1,000 people in the UK to see what it is that grinds their gears in the bedroom right now, and what bad bedroom habit they are guilty of themselves. From eating food in bed to not washing duvets and pillowcases regularly, Bed Guru has uncovered the UK’s top bedroom pet peeves and the top bedroom bad habits.

The data shows some interesting stats, including that eating in bed is the UK’s top pet peeve, with 40.61% of respondents voting this as their top pet peeve in the bedroom. Interestingly, the top bad habit is eating food in bed too, with 41.97% of respondents highlighting they are guilty of snacking in bed. So check out the article to see if you’re guilty of any of the bed badroom habits listed (I know I am!)

Online Shopping: How To Save Money – CheckAFlip

Maybe you’ve been watching a lot of Extreme Couponing, perhaps you’re on a tighter budget than usual and hoping to stay in the lifestyle you’re accustomed to, or you’re just looking to save a buck here and there where you can.

In this article CheckAFlip takes you through a complete guide for becoming the savviest online shopper around, followed by a list of twenty ways you can save money on internet shopping. You won’t believe how many tricks you’ve been missing!

And if you’re looking for some great savings across thousands of websites don’t forget to check out Honey that automatically applies coupons to your purchases during the checkout process.

How Powerful Is Your Driving Licence? – CompareTheMarket

Compare the Market has assessed the power of driving licences in 22 countries, comparing it to data from five years ago to see how the ranking has changed.

Given that Brexit happened during this time, there have been some significant changes in the scores across the UK and the European Union in particular.

The UK licence had an incredibly dramatic decline from being the most powerful in 2016 to the least powerful in 2021. Comparatively, the US had a small increase from 7th to 6th place. So how does your country’s driving licence rank? Check out the article to find out.

The 57 Best Project Management Software In 2020 – nTask

When your project is poorly executed, it might be a consequence of poor planning and weak project management. Poor execution leads to drastic results ranging from, but not limited to, financial losses, resource wastage, and time wastage. Project management is not a new term or a new concept. It has been around for eons, and the internet is flooded with project and team management techniques (both new and old). So how do you know which tools will be useful for you and your team? Task has you covered as they have put together a review of 57 project management tools – yes, you read that right, FIFTY SEVEN. And best of all, they all have free options available too!

How To Actually Enjoy Studying – IvyPanda Blog

Not many of us can actually enjoy the learning process. Some people hate to study initially. Others have burned out. Still others feel that they’ve chosen the wrong place or field. This infographic from IvyPanda contains awesome tips on how to change your educational routine. Enjoy your studying!

Best PDF Editor Software In 2020 – SoftwareHow

Whether you’re aiming to go paperless in 2018, produce some new training material, or make your product brochures available online, you’re likely to choose PDF as a file format. Adobe Acrobat files are the closest digital equivalent to sheets of paper. With the right software, you can do a lot more than just read them.Whether you’re aiming to go paperless in 2018, produce some new training material, or make your product brochures available online, you’re likely to choose PDF as a file format. Adobe Acrobat files are the closest digital equivalent to sheets of paper. With the right software, you can do a lot more than just read them and there are plenty more alternatives that are available to Adobe. In this roundup review, SoftwareHow compares the major apps that are able to work with PDFs, and help you to find the one that best meets your needs.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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