Weekly Round-Up #255: Lose Weight Jogging, Education Stats & Moving Out

Weekly Round-Up #255: Lose Weight Jogging, Education Stats & Moving Out


This week we take a look at some tips that will help you lose weight running, some interesting facts about education (and how students can sleep better) and whether you can afford to move out of home into your own place.

Woman in pink sports bra jogging
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Hello and welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun an productive week.

This week we take a look at some tips that will help you to lose weight by running. Now, the only running I usually do is after the ice cream van but I’m sure there are some of you who may be considering taking up jogging to increase your fitness and lose weight.

We also have some interesting stats and tips for students such as which country has the most universities, the highest ranked European university and (more importantly perhaps!) the ultimate guide to sleeping for students!

Perhaps you’ve been stuck at home with your family during lockdown and are now thinking of moving out on your own but can you actually afford it? There’s some advice and a handy guide to help you decide whether it’s the right move for you.

How To Lose Weight Running – Moccasin Guru

Many turn to cardio when they want to lose weight. While it’s a doable solution, it’s not as straightforward as you might think. There’s a wide variety of opinions floating around online on the topic, so Moccasin Guru is here to make it easier for you. It’s extremely popular worldwide. Nearly 60 million in the United States participated in running in 2017. Whether you’re running in conjunction with other physical activities or going at it as your one form of exercise, it has a lot to offer. This article looks at the benefits of running and what techniques you can use to up your running game.

19 Remarkable Higher Education Statistics – Mark in Style

The rise in demand for higher education has led to intense competition between universities to attract students. So, it should come as no surprise that higher education is a thriving sector. What’s less clear, though, is what type of universities do students choose more often? Is the public or private sector predominant? How often do students decide to study abroad? What is the male/female ratio in fields that are usually dominated by men according to women in higher education statistics? Mark in Style answers these intriguing questions by delving deep into the latest higher education statistics.

The Ultimate Sleep Guide For College Students – Mattress Advisor

College is an exciting time for many students who look forward to being on their own for the first time and managing their own schedule. But with great power comes great responsibility. Many students face challenges with their new-found freedom and are caught juggling their personal life, studying, attending classes, participating in extracurriculars, staying active, feeding themselves, washing laundry… the list goes on. Getting good sleep is often one of the first things to be pushed to the bottom of the priorities list, likely because students don’t realize how important it is to their physical health, mental health, learning, and all other aspects of their life! Read this article from Mattress Advisor to learn more about the sleep problems college students experience and see our resources to learn what college students can do to get better sleep.

Why Bird Music Is Great For Relaxation, Stress And Anxiety – Chipper Birds

If you love birds, you’ll be happy to hear that their chirps and tweets can help you relax when you are feeling anxious – and just in general too. Why is bird music great for relaxation and anxiety? Read this article from Chipper Birds to find out why and get some samples to listen to.”

Expert Insight: Planning For A Successful Rest Of The Year – Success Wizard Blog

As you start planning for the rest of the year amid the new normal we all find ourselves in, you may be wondering what you should focus on and how you can leverage the opportunities this time period presents. SuccessWizard asked 22 experts from within the productivity, goal-setting and personal development space to weigh in with their advice and insight and I was one of those they asked – check out mine and the other experts responses here.

Can I Afford To Move Out? And First Apartment Checklist – MintLife Blog

When thinking about moving out for the first time, you’re contemplating taking a big leap into adulthood. Having a whole place to call home is more than gratifying — it’s a rite of passage. You may already be creating vision boards to decorate your perfect space to feel cozy and homey. Or, you may be ready to live in a house with a couple of roommates for a summer spent with your best friends. Either way, moving can be a big investment. Follow Mint.com’s flowchart to see if you may be ready to make the big move.

How To Write A Business Plan Like A Pro – Finimpact

The business plan is a document that outlines what your business is about and what it intends to achieve. However, few business owners understand how to really write a good business plan. They only think about writing a business plan when the time has come to acquire funding for their business. This article from FinImpact will show you how to write an accurate, detailed, concise, and comprehensive business plan that will give you the best chance of funding and assist you in understanding your own business.

Add A Link In WordPress – The Ultimate Guide – Original Site Solutions

You might think you know all the tips and tricks about adding links into your WordPress posts and pages, but I’ll bet you’ll find something you didn’t know about in this article from Original Site Solutions. I’ve been developing WordPress sites for 15 years and I learned a thing or two!

How To Hygge Your Living Room – ImaginFires

If you’re wondering how to make a hygge living room that suits your budget and lifestyle, ImaginFires put together a few tips below to get you started. Remember: this interior design trend is centred on simplicity and asks that homeowners try to pare back any desire for intricate aesthetics. Try not to overthink or over-design your room!

How Many Websites Are There? – WebsiteSetup.org

Just over 30 years since it was born, the World Wide Web has completely transformed our lives. With a few clicks of your mouse or a simple voice command, you can have essentials delivered straight to your door or connect with a friend all the way across the globe. Have you wondered what makes up the complex infrastructure of the Internet or interconnected World Wide Web? What sites dominate our online searches? And, just how vast is the network that we use and rely on daily for information? Check out this article from WebsiteSetup in order to dig into the fascinating numbers behind the internet.

7+ Tips For Using Customer Testimonial Videos In Marketing – TrustMary

Customer testimonial videos are one of the best ways to use videos for promotion. Visitors are 64% more likely to convert after watching a video on your website. And customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating among other forms of content marketing. A customer testimonial video has the power to boost conversion and persuade visitors to take action because it’s a recommendation coming from a real customer who has used your product. Plus, it’s a video that makes the review real. How to best use customer review videos and what strategies you can use to take drive results from reviews and testimonials is what you’ll find in this detailed and actionable guide from TrustMary.

11 Popular Kitchen Layouts – Cannibal Kitchen

Your first consideration when planning your ideal kitchen should be its layout. Sure, your kitchen should look stunning, so design matters. But functionality is equally as important, if not more. Your kitchen should allow you to do things efficiently, and your layout has a lot to do with that. To help with your kitchen floor planning, Cannibal Kitchen have put together a guide of the 11 most popular kitchen layouts.

Best Time To Send An Email Blast – BlueMailMedia

Timing matters, particularly when it comes to making your subscribers open and read your emails. That being the case, schedule your messages for the perfect time to have a massive influence on your campaign’s efficacy. To help you out, Blue Mail Media have accumulated some of the most advanced and up-to-date data in this Infographic articulating the best time to send email blasts. These numbers are broadly affirmed by the email marketing community. Go through it to find out what data says and build a favorable beginning for your next email campaign.

Things You Need To Know About How Noise Pollution Affects You – Home Living Lab

Many of us know of the 3 major types of pollution: air, water and land. But, rapid urbanization in the past decades changed our world. There are now other environmental factors we have to contend with. The world, for instance, is a much noisier one now. Gone are the nights of near absolute silence, with you waking up to the sound of that overenthusiastic rooster. Instead, it’s more likely that the noise outside your home never really stopped. This article from Home Living Lab looks at what noise pollution is and how it can affect you and your loved ones.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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