September 8, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #223: Turns 15!


April marks the 15th Anniversary of the launch of – can you believe it?! In this article I take a look back at 15 (ish) years of blogging and pull out some of my favourite articles.

Weekly Round-Up #223: Turns 15!
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a stress-free and productive week.

April marks the 15th Anniversary of the launch of – can you believe it?!

15 years ago on April the 8th I registered the domain and moved some content over from another domain I owned – I have to say that my first ever post wasn’t especially exciting – and a lot of the orginal articles have been deleted as they’re no longer relevant to the website but a few of the early ones do remain!

There’s also a bit of a gap where I was off somewhere else doing non-internet related things (nothing exciting, I was running a pub!) but I still think the 15 year anniversary holds.

So, I thought I’d take the opportunity on our birthday week round-up to take a look back over the past 15 years from when we were a small one person blog to now where we have a great team of writers bringing you fantastic and informative articles each week.

Weekly Round-Up #188: Why Paper is Best, Less Email And The Perils Of Being A Freelancer
This week we look at why paper is the best method for your calendar and could change your life, why retailers need to reduce their need for email and the perils of being a freelancer.

2004 – Famous, Yeay!

Who would have thought we’d have to worry about uploading a 1.5mb PDF to a website back in 2004? Well, yup, that was a big consideration back then – you guys don’t know how lucky you are to have super-fast fibre and no capped downloads.

Anyway, in this article I saying that I’d been featured as an expert in a website magazine.

2005 – GTD With A Pocket PC

Can you believe that 14 years ago I had to use a handheld PC instead of a mobile phone in order to keep a to-do list and read my emails – shocking, eh?

2006 – How To Write Good Meeting Minutes

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a board meeting or one to organise your local village fete, accurate records are important – not only for legal reasons but so people know what’s going on and what they are responsible for. Bad minutes are still a big bug bear for me so if you’re required to take minutes check out my article.

2007 – GTD Back To Basics

In 2007 I took a look at the different parts of the "Getting Things Done" system. While I don’t use GTD as an organisational system now as such, it had a great affect on how I manage my projects and tasks even today.

2008 – Four Hour Work Week In The Real World? Dream On!

I’m pretty sure from the title you can tell I’m not a fan of Tim Ferris’ 4 Hour Work Week – have any of you actually made it work for you? I’ve never met a person who has.

2009 – 2013

This is where I had a bit of a "time out" from blogging and had a bit of a career change too!

2014 – Overwhelmed? Don’t Break Down, Break "It" Down

Sometimes we put things off because a task seems to be too large to handle. Make things more managable by making them smaller.

2015 – How To: Use A Personal Kanban Board

A personal Kanban board is a great way to keep your tasks organised and stay on top of things. You can use electronic methods or something as simple as a pack of post-it notes.

2016 = Email 101: Part 1 – Prioritising Your Inbox

I don’t know about you but email is probably my biggest time suck so back in 2016 I took a look at a few ways you can manage your email in a 4 part series.

2017 – Micro Rewards: The Secret Way To Become More Productive

If you’re a procrastinator like me then you’ll need a way tp get yourself motivated to start a project and see it through to its conclusion – that’s where Micro Rewards come in and i think it’s a technique that could help a lot of you.

Weekly Round-Up #270: Online Security, Hanging Plants & Random Acts Of Kindness
This week we take a look the amount of data that Facebook has on you (hint: it's a lot), how you can improve your online security & privacy and some steps you can take to secure your accounts. We also look at how your company can implement Random Acts Of...

2018 – How To Cope With "Blue Monday"

We have covered mental health a few times on the site, it’s an often overlooked part of your working life and companies need to make more of an effort to protect and improve the mental health of their employees.

There have been so many wonderful articles written by some great authors over the years and I’d like to thank all of them for their hard work – I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them too.


Here’s to another 15 years!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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