Weekly Round-Up #243: Disrupted Sleep, The Healing Properties Of Gratitude And Haunted UK

Weekly Round-Up #243: Disrupted Sleep, The Healing Properties Of Gratitude And Haunted UK


This week we take a look at the impact that poor air quality can have on your sleep, How gratitude can help you as well as other people and we take a look at some of the most haunted places in the UK.

Weekly Round--Up #243: Sleep, Gratitude and Haunting
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at the impact that poor air quality can have on your sleep, How gratitude can help you as well as other people and we take a look at some of the most haunted places in the UK.

How Air Pollution Is Disrupting Our Sleep – Mattress Online Blog

Air pollution is linked with serious conditions affecting sleep. Mattress Online have collected data from the Air Quality Index across 198 locations to find out the best and worst places in the UK and around the world to get a good night’s sleep. The findings show that 90% of UK cities have air quality that could pose a risk to their health.

BAME In Higher Education – RS Components

Despite the fact that attendance of students from a BAME background are up 20% in the year 2016/2017, a recent report highlighted the attainment gap at universities with students from BAME backgrounds less likely to achieve a first or 2:1 degree, and how students are at a disadvantage throughout their time at university and also when applying for a job post-university. Despite the great steps that have been made towards equality, it is shocking that in 2019 race and ethnicity impacts a students grade. White students who graduated in 2018 achieving a first or 2:1 degree were 13% more likely to do so than those from black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds. Proving that there is a clear attainment gap, another report found that there is a gap of 28% of the grades achieved by different ethnicities. So what are higher education institutes doing to change?

Healing Properties Of Gratitude – Better Relaxation

From our first days of life on this earth, we are intrinsically and physiologically driven to fill various needs. From food and friendship to water and a sense of belonging, we usually find our satiation solutions through external means. As a matter of habit, it’s not long before we find ourselves wrapped up in the idea of value judgment based on the concept of “supply and demand,” where the more scarce something is, the more valuable it becomes, especially when there’s increasing demand for it.

Guide To Popular Gifts – GiftsOnline4U

It’s that time of year when we start to think about gift giving – but what do you get for the person who has everything? Nowadays, the art of picking the perfect present is all about getting personal… Whether it’s celebrating a birthday, new job, graduation or wedding, the market for personalised presents has boomed in recent years, as families and friends strive to find that special something which is thoughtful, yet unique. Now, research by GiftsOnline4U can reveal the most popular personalised presents in the UK – and alcoholic gifts top our list.

Complete Guide To The Flu Vaccine 2019-2020 – Medicare Advantage

It’s getting to that time of year again when talk starts of flu vaccines – but why should you get one? This article contains some interesting stats and info on flu stats and how the vaccine’s work.

Graphic Design Software – Create Awesome Designs Online – DesignCap

If you’re looking to make an impact with your social media campaigns, want your website photos to pop or create eye-catching emails but couldn’t design your way out of a paper bag then DesignCap is here to rescue you! Simply choose the type of graphic you’re after, add some elements (or edit a premade template) and you’ll have a graphic worthy of social media sharing in no time!

The Top Sites To Hire The Right Designer In 2019 – Designer Hire

There are so many different networks that you can find designers on but which one is right for the job you have in mind and your budget? Designer hire takes you through a simple process of whittling down the options by asking you a series of questions and then presents you with a list of suitable jobs networks each with it’s own easy to read pros and cons based on your needs.

How The World Uses The Internet – Post Beyond

Find out each country’s most popular way to use the internet. We’re internet-obsessed around the world but what do we use the internet for the most? Find out how OECD countries use the internet in this graphic.

How To Set Strong Dating And Relationship Boundaries – Marcus Neo

There are many reasons why someone may lack boundaries. Psychologically speaking, people with a lack of boundaries may appear may be motivated by an unconscious need to ‘keep the peace’ because of the fear of getting hurt. So, what are boundaries and how do they look like? When you’re dating someone new, it can be difficult to set boundaries as you don’t want to out someone off so check out this article to see how to manage it.

A Guide To Creating Your Home Office – Homeguides.co.uk

Working from home has its pros and cons, and this infographic is a beginner’s guide that will help entrepreneurs, employees and small business owners who could be working from home and are looking for ways to increase productivity.

The Lifestyle Index – Best Countries For Quality Of Life – Sleep Junkie

Sleep Junkie has analyzed a number of metrics in order to find which countries around the world are sleeping the most, working the least, and living the longest. The metrics explored included the average number of working hours and annual leave, the percentage of people getting a good night’s sleep, as well as people’s happiness and life expectancy. The data also reveals how many people are searching for help on the Internet when they can’t sleep.

Bad Record Insurance Coverage For Drivers With Accidents Or Tickets – AutoInsuranceEZ.Com

AutoinsuranceEZ.com is a top savings referral service which enables consumers to quickly and easily request multiple competitive insurance quotes from optimally selected local insurance agents and companies using our proprietary consumer alignment technology. Whether you’re looking for basic coverage or are a high-risk driver looking for more extensive coverage we can help you out. Our site does not provide quotes directly to consumers. AutoinsuranceEZ.com does not provide insurance and we do not represent any specific insurance provider.

6 Tips That Will Actually Help You Stay Organized – The Closet Works Inc

We’re not all Martha Stewart, and that’s okay. Rather than feeling guilty that the books on your shelves aren’t organized by genre and alphabetically by author or that the bed sheets in your linen closet aren’t folded neatly, it’s helpful to define what organization is to you. Stop comparing yourself to perfection on TV shows and magazines and figure out how you can easily make organization work for you and your family. Being more organized should remove stress from your life, not add it.

Ultimate Guide To Consumer Complaints: How To Get Justice When A Business Lets You Down – Radvocate

There’s no reason businesses should get away with misleading customers out of money, selling them faulty products, or otherwise failing to hold up their end of the business bargain, right? That’s why it’s so important for consumers to understand all the different ways they can get justice when a business lets them down.

Most Haunted Destinations In The UK – Authentic Vacations

The UK is home to so many ancient buildings, it’s not surprising that lots of them play host to some spooky ghost stories. But, where are the best destination in the UK for spooky scares and ghostly tales? Authentic Vacations have analysed the number of mentions in the most haunted articles, and the percentage of scary TripAdvisor reviews to score UK cities and reveal the most haunted destinations to visit in the UK this halloween.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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