Weekly Round-Up #316: Digital Photography, Marketing & Ecommerce Stats

Weekly Round-Up #316: Digital Photography, Marketing & Ecommerce Stats


This week we look at basics of digital photography which is a perfect guide for beginners and intermediate users to help you get the most out of your camera meaning you’ll be taking eye-catching shots in no time, and we also have a couple of marketing articles for you after all, you can’t grow your business if no one can find you so here’s how to increase your reach through social media and via mobile.

Black and white photo of a person holding a camera
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope it finds you well and that you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we look at basics of digital photography which is a perfect guide for beginners and intermediate users to help you get the most out of your camera meaning you’ll be taking eye-catching shots in no time, and we also have a couple of marketing articles for you after all, you can’t grow your business if no one can find you so here’s how to increase your reach through social media and via mobile.

Digital Photography Basics – An Incredible Beginners Guide To Taking Great Photos – My Comfort Haven

A lot of us have a digital camera but, if you’re anything like me, you leave it on “auto mode” and that’s that. While you might get great pictures from leaving it on auto, you could be missing out some settings that will allow you to take fantastic photos based on lighting conditions or location.

Cameras can be extremely confusing – what’s ISO? Shutter Speed? Which one should I choose?

Even before you get to that which one should you get? Mirrorless? DSLR?

There’s so many options it can be difficult to know where to start. Don’t worry though My Comfort Haven goes through all the camera types and all the main settings you’ll need to be aware of the help you up your digital photography game.

10 Best Content Marketing Software In 2022 (+ What They Do) – indiemedia.club

Content marketing helps you to increase your brand’s reach across multiple social media platforms. If you’re running campaigns across multiple platforms it can be really time consuming to have to schedule your content on a per-platform basis.

Luckily there are various platforms that allow you to schedule posts across multiple social media services but which one should you be using?

indiemedia.club goes through 10 of the leading content marketing platforms breaking down features and costs so you can evaluate which one suits your needs best.

22 Must Know Mobile Marketing Resources – Clevertap

Sticking with promoting your company or brand you can’t deny the importance of mobile marketing. Clevertap has put together a list of books, blogs and apps that will help you grow your presence across mobile platforms, drawing in more customers and expanding your brand.

20 Mind-Blowing Mobile Ecommerce Statistics For 2022 – Cellphone Deal

And if you’re not convinced that you need to enter into the mobile marketing sphere then Cellphone Deal has some interesting facts about the state of the mobile market in regards to the amount of payment made globally, volume of sales and user statistics.

If you’re not mobile ready you are really missing out on some great opportunities.

17 Businesses You Can Start From Home Today – Sourcingbro – Sourcingbro

If you’re looking to change career, perhaps make some extra money on the side or just try something new then Sourcingbro has 17 ideas for home businesses most of which don’t even need much of an outlay just a little bit of knowledge, some enthusiasm and spare time.

If you have a side hustle or work from home, let us know in the comments below what you do, we’d love to hear from you!

10 Best AI Chatbots For Customer Service Performance – CXLead

If you’ve taken the leap into running a business then you will know how important customer service is.

You need to solve customer issues quickly in order to keep them happy, avoid negative reviews and maintain customer loyalty.

While website contact forms and email are great tools, sometimes you will get customers ask similar questions over and over (“where’s my order”, “when will this be back in stock” etc.) and answering these can take up precious time. That’s where ChatBots come in.

A ChatBot can be programmed to answer commonly asked questions or direct a customer to a specific help agent which will free up time and help your business answer queries more efficiently. So, which one should you choose? CXLead looks at 10 of the most popular and what features that have so you can make an informed decision.

9 Critical Tips To Read Before Buying A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner – Flooring Clarity

Robotic Vacuum’s have been around longer than you probably realise. No one likes taking time out of their day to hoover so why not have a little helper that runs around while you’re at work or out with friends who will do cleaning up for you?

Flooring Clarity goes through what you need to consider when looking at getting a robo vacuum based on floor types, cost and bin types among other factors.

Pre-Selling Condos: What Does It Mean And Why To Invest In One – Mandani Bay

One of the opportunities first-time and experienced investors consider when looking to invest in properties is condominium units. Besides having a sense of security and less maintenance to worry about, the purchase price of a condo is comparatively lower than a house and lot. This shows that condo
investing, particularly pre-selling condos, is a good start for

If you’re interested in condo investing, then you would have probably heard of pre-selling condos. For those who want to save big and earn great returns in the future, getting a condo unit during its pre-selling stage is worth thinking about.

The Art Of Sustainability: It’s All Around Us – Raja Blog

We’re all trying (I hope) to become more sustainable. Whether that’s from recycling, stopping buying single use plastics or reusing items there are all simple things we can do to help mitigate our impact on the environment.

This article from Raja looks at some common difficult to recycle items around your home like bubble wrap and clothes and what you can do with them

There’s also some cool little art projects that might inspire you.

82 Mental Health, Stress & Anxiety Statistics To Worry About! – MTD Training

Mental health and anxiety affect many aspects of our lives – even if you’re not directly impacted. This article from MTD covers a lot of mental health statistics from both home and work areas of life.

Some of these stats might surprise you and hopefully make you reconsider how you deal with people who have stress, mental health or anxiety issues in the future.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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