Weekly Round-Up #303: Chatbots, Money Making Ideas & Generating Leads


This week we take a look at how you can generate leads on social media, use chatbots to improve customer service (and make your life easier) and 40 ideas to help you earn some extra income.

Cute customer service robot
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at how you can generate leads on social media, use chatbots to improve customer service (and make your life easier) and 40 ideas to help you earn some extra income.

A Comprehensive Guide To Generating Leads On Social Media – bant.io

In this comprehensive guide, bant.io looks at the top social platforms, what businesses they work for, and strategies for generating leads on social media.

7 Free Appointment Scheduling Apps Rated – Zoho

Zoho have put together a list of appointment scheduling apps that all have a free tier. They’ve rated them based on the featured available in the free versions and complied a handy comparison charts that set out all of the functionality.

The Most Dangerous States For Online Dating – Background Checks

Online dating has gone mainstream. Research shows 40 million Americans use dating apps to find a relationship, according to eHarmony.

The more traditional ways to meet people, like through family, friends, or at local gathering places like church, have been on the decline since 1940, according to research from Stanford.

While many people find relationships through today’s tech, it’s not always a pleasant experience. In fact, online dating can be downright dangerous. Not everyone online is looking for love, some people even use the sites to look for victims.

This article from Background Checks looks at some stats about online dating – hopefully they won’t put you off from trying to find love online.

40 Ways To Make Money From Home – Prosperous Frugal

You want to make money from home. Earn more money with these 40 ways to make money from home are needed after Coronavirus.

Here you will find 40 activities to increase your income while staying at home. 29 of them are fully online and 11 are in person but enhanced online.

Website Builders And Core Web Vitals: What’s The SEO Impact? – Website Builder Expert

What are Core Web Vitals? How are they impacting website builders? And how can you optimize your site to achieve better rankings? Website Builder Expert have the answers!

Where housing may become unaffordable by 2025 – The Zebra

When it comes to unaffordable housing, everyone knows that cities like San Francisco and New York are notoriously hard markets to become a homeowner in. However, as housing markets continue to heat up across the nation, more areas are becoming less affordable.

Median home prices have seen record highs recently, and with so many other costs to account for like maintenance and insurance, the lack of affordable housing may delay the path to home ownership for some.

To help gather some insight into the changing housing markets, The Zebra conducted a study projecting which U.S. cities may become unaffordable by 2025.

Countries With The Best Work-Life Balance – Amerisleep

Work-life balance refers to how one’s lifestyle divides between work and other aspects of one’s life.

An excellent work-life balance model incorporates a reasonable division of time between professional and home life.

Read on for more information of the importance of Work-life balance and how you can improve it.

Why You Should Set A Step Challenge And How To Do It – IncentFit

When it comes to encouraging physical activity in the workplace, it’s important to design employee wellness programs that will motivate all your employees to get active.

Wellness programs help build camaraderie, boost morale and increase employee satisfaction. But what kind of challenge is the best to start with?

This article from IncentFit will cover some different types of programs you can implement and what benefits that may have.

Interactive Live Word Clouds For Groups – Slides With Friends

Generate gorgeous live word clouds collaboratively with your audience. Ask a question and brainstorm with your viewers in real time.

Watch words appear, grow, and rearrange as people answer and vote. Forever free for small groups.

Chatbot – The Ultimate Overview. Technology Explained With Real Examples – MindTitan

Put simply, chatbots are AI programs that can simulate human conversation or chat through messaging interfaces.

Chatbots aren’t just applicable to customer service and support. They can also help streamline operations for IT, HR, and marketing teams across a wide variety of industries.

If you’re thinking about implementing a chatbot on your website then MindTitan has everything you need to know about what they are and how they can help grow your business.

430 Ideas For Your Retirement Bucket List – Retirement Tips and Tricks

Now that you’re retired, it’s important to know what you want to do in retirement. And creating a bucket list can be a very helpful tool to have goals, focus, and make to most out of your retirement.

In this article, Retirement Tips & Tricks share 430 ideas you can add to your retirement bucket list. From travelling and experiences to events and festivals, they have you covered.

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Trampolining – Sports Fitness Advisor

New to the trampoline? In this ultimate beginner’s guide to trampolining, we take you through everything you need to know before your first bounce.

Trampolining is a great way for both adults and children to have fun and stay healthy at the same time. Jumping, twisting, and turning is a great way for kids to burn off excess energy and for adults to get into and stay in shape.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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