Weekly Round-Up #95: Sort Out Your To-Do's, Why It's Okay To Quit and Detoxing Your Goals
This week’s round-up takes another look at the wonderful craze of Bullet Journals, discover’s it’s okay to stop doing something (and not feel too guilty about it) and a simple hack to make your to-do list more effective.

Hello and welcome to this week’s round-up. I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly glad it’s the weekend! It seems to have been one of those weeks where everything has just gone off the rails: one little little thing can have a massive knock one affect – it’s certainly proved that chaos theory exists!
Anyway, enough of my moaning and on to the round-up… oh, and before I move on don’t forget to sign up for our fantastic “Become An Email Ninja” Course. It starts in a couple of weeks and I wouldn’t want you to miss out. If you want to know the sort of topics we’ll be covering check out my “Email 101 primer series“.
What’s your time management style? – Inforum
Are you a prepper or a pantser when it comes to managing your time and tasks? I’m a panster, I don’t really have any defined schedule other than my working hours and tend to fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to other tasks. I do envy preppers with all your neatly worked out timetables and I’m hoping to join your ranks soon but until then the tips in this article will help.
How to ‘find’ more time in your day – The Globe And Mail
If you’ve tried all the time management systems under the sun and you’re still having problems getting things done then perhaps you don’t have an issue with time management but rather distraction management. Ooooh, look, a shiny thing!
Use the ‘X – 25’ rule to figure out how much your super-busy friends are really working – Business Insider UK
If, after going through the above two articles you still feel like you’ve not got a handle on your time management, check how much you are actually working – you may find it’s not as much as you think it is!
How to Break out of Your Social Comfort Zone – Clerverism
How many times have you not done something because it will make you feel uncomfortable? How much have you missed out on because of this fear? The guys at Cleverism take an interesting look at the issues of isolating yourself, why you may be keeping yourself away and how to break out of your comfort zone and start taking part in social situations.
The 5 Day Goal Detox That Will Help You Achieve Anything – Career Girl Daily
As we’re coming up to the time of the year where we should be thinking about New Year’s Resolutions (I know! Where did the year go?) it’s important to remember that only 8% of people achieve their goal. This article from Career Girl Daily takes you through a 5 day course to help you hone your goals and make them more achievable.
How Using A Bullet Journal Helped Us Focus – Oh Hi
I’ve written about Bullet Journals before and I am sort of using one, however I prefer to have a full year calendar laid out at the front of my “journal” rather than only setting one up for each Month and then each week as it comes around (ah, that would be my micro-prepper streak then!). If you’re not sure what all the fuss is about then check this article out which has some great explanations and some fantastic photos to illustrate the ideas behind each bullet journal section.
Bonus Links:
– 29 Bullet Journal Layouts For Anyone Trying To Be Healthy – Buzzfeed
– Bullet Journal Hacks That Actually Work! – Page Flutter
Why 3 To-Do Lists Are More Efficient Than 1 – Huffington Post Business Canada
Sticking with task organisation, the Huffington Post reckons that you should have 3 to-do lists and I pretty much agree with them. Bullet Journalers have had multiple ways of organising their tasks, and I’ve toyed with contextual tasks, one massive task list and micro lists but the system in this article does make a lot more sense (although I think you could probably skip the weekly list to be honest).
Autofocus: The most simple to do list approach I’ve found – Exist
The Autofocus method really pares down the idea of a task list – I’m not sure how this method would work if you were very deadline orientated though.
Hat-tip: Lifehacker
The 5 Steps to Quitting Anything Gracefully – Health.com
Just because you decide to quit something doesn’t mean you’ve given up. This post looks at why you may want to quit something, what the benefits are and how to go about it in the best way.
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have a nice relaxing time. Perhaps you can find some spare time over the weekend to take a look at your to-do list and see if the Autofocus or 3 Lists method would work better for you. Have another option for managing your to-do lists? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image: Green Juice by Pelambung on Pixabay.com