Weekly Round-Up #93: Leadership Strategies For Women, Why You Should Journal and 141 Productivity Tools


In this round-up we take a humorous look at how women (and men) can become stronger leaders without being seen as intimidating, what characterises the mentally strong, the benefits of journalling and a massive list of 141 productivity tools you need to take a look at.

Weekly Round-Up 93: Leadership Strategies For Women, Why You Should Journal and 141 Productivity Tools
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. Make sure you grab yourself a coffee or nice cup of tea before you get to our last selection this week – you’ll need it in order to go through the 141 productivity tools listed!

The Benefits Of Keeping A Journal – Asian Efficiency

Journal (or diary keeping) has become a popular past-time in recent years. Once a diary was seeming the territory of teenage girls: a place to hide their hopes and fears, discuss their friends in private without repercussion and vent about how unfair their parents were. Now it’s recognised that the simple art of keeping a journal can be massively beneficial to your health and happiness – just make sure you keep it away from prying eyes!

9 Non-Threatening Leadership Strategies for Women – Pleated Jeans

Finally, we have a light-hearted look at how women can handle certan situations in the workplace. I’m not being sexist but the gender gap does still very much exist in offices, shops and other places so it’s time to sort it out, or if we can’t do that, then mock it!

The 6 Things You Should Never Sacrifice for Your Job—No Matter What – The Muse

I used to work in a job that dealt with the Middle of America (I live in the U.K in case you missed that point!) so trying to accommodate conference calls and email responses is quite difficult if you want a social life. This post looks at why and how you should avoid certain

15 Characteristics All Mentally Strong People Share In Common – Lifehack

Some of these things in this infographic I agree with, others I think both “types of people” will deal with. For example, I don’t think you’re “menatlly weak” because you “demand immediate results”, you could just be really impatient, rude or short-tempered, and conversely you don’t have to refuse to be a “people pleaser” just because you’re mentally strong. As long as you are happy, that’s all that matters.

Why It Never Helps To Pass The Buck – Michael Hyatt

It seems obvious that if you’re a Navy Seal you can’t really get away with shifting blame – if something goes wrong during a mission it’s everyone’s life on the line. So it may be a bit different in an Office or Retail environment but there are lesson you can take away from the tough guys and apply to your job.

How Much You Need to Exercise to Make Up For Sitting All Day – Gizmodo

We all know that sitting is bad for you, but then again they keep changing their minds and say standing is bad too. They have now decided once again that sitting at your desk (or binge-watching Netflix) is a bad thing, but not as bad as they first thought…. watch this space for when they change their minds again!

The Only Google Drive Guide You’ll Ever Need to Read – MakeUseOf

I’ve just recently begun to scratch the surface of what Google Drive can do. It’s Sheets app is almost as robust as Excel – and in some ways may be even better. It’s collaboration features are great too if you have to share information amongst other people in remote areas or who don’t have access to a network. If you’re wondering what Google Drive is, or what all the fuss is about then check out this great article from Mashable which will give you all the insights into Google Drive you need.

Epic list of 141 productivity tools – StrongStart.fm

You’ll want to grab yourself a nice cup of tea before sitting down to read this massive list of 141 (yes, you read that correctly 141 productivity tools! Broken into categories like notes, time tracking, text management and social media there’s bound to be a tool on this list to solve any productivity issues you may have.

Any tools the website above may have missed? Contact me so I can check them out!

Have A Great Weekend

If you have an article you think my readers would like the please Contact Me via the website or drop me a tweet @FlipHeck.

Featured Image: Journal with pen and flower by Katy Cox on Pixabay.com

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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