Weekly Round-Up #88: Tracking your Goals, Why Scoring Goals Is Good For You and How You Can Safely Select Produce


As part of this month’s Health Habits Series this round-up takes a look at some ways you can track your goals, how your habits are progressing and how you can take care of yourself and eat healthily and avoid illness.

Weekly Round-Up #88: Tracking your Goals, Why Scoring Goals Is Good For You and How You Can Safely Select Produce
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Welcome to this week’s Round-Up. As we’re on our “Healthy Habits Month” we’ll take a look at tracking your mood, your habits and other great sites so that you can improve your habit keeping and overall wellness.

Mood D (iOS 8+) – Khuyen Vo on iTunes

Khuyen contacted me some time ago and asked me to take a look at the Mood D app. This app allows you to track how you’re feeling during the day by choosing one of 6 moods. If you have some spare time or need some motivation then the app will suggest some tasks for you ranging from the simple (“Play with your pet”) to more complex (“Plan a trip to the Maldives”). The app also contains a basic note taking section for you to jot down memories for each day.

Goal Tracker & Habit List (Android 4+) – Intrasoft on GooglePlay

If you’re on Android then this app will track all of your goals and habits in one place. You can view each goal you’d like to track in a list view or calendar overview. You can set recurring reminders and how long you want the goal to last. This app is perfect if you want to remind yourself to exercise, or just take a break and meditate for 10 minutes.

9 Health Benefits Of Playing Football – Frontsmother

We can’t all be as talented as Lionel Messi or David Beckham but that shouldn’t stop us from playing football! This infographic show you some of the benefits that can happen by playing football and whilst some will be obvious (getting toned) others may not be (improving your cognitive functions). Not all exercise has to be done at the gym so why not give football a try? If you’re the the UK you can use The Football Association’s Football Finder Service.

Cold, Flu or Allergy? Know the Difference for Best Treatment – News In Health

When you’ve got the sniffles and a sore throat, it can be hard to diagnose the cause. Understanding the differences between a cold, the flu and allergies will help you choose the best treatment.

Eat for Health: Healthy Eating Library of Resources – Vermonth Department Of Health

Learn the connection between your diet, how you feel and how you can boost your immunity to common illnesses.

Produce: Selecting and Serving it Safely – F.D.A

Falling victim to foodborne illness is not only a miserable experience, but it can also weaken our immune systems and make it easier for other germs to work their way into our systems. Properly cleaning produce significantly cuts this risk.

30 Simple Diet and Fitness Tips – Health.com

There’s something for everyone on this list from the benefits of music to when you should weigh yourself.

Over To You

Got any healthy websites or apps I should check out for next week’s round-up? Let me know in the comments or Contact Me.

Have a great weekend!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Vegetable Basket Harvest by Condesign on Pixabay
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