Weekly Round-Up #82: Why Being Alone Is Better, Stop Saying These Phrases and Don't Throw These Things Out


In this week’s round-up we look at 128 alternatives for using the word “Very” so you have no excuse now! We also see why it’s not embarrassing or socially unacceptable to do things by yourself and how to set up a productive home office in some simple steps.

Weekly Round-Up #82 - Why Being Alone Is Better, Stop Saying These Phrases and Don't Throw These Things Ou
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Hello and welcome to this week’s round up in this edition we look at why being alone isn’t all that bad, why there is some stuff you shouldn’t chuck out and secret motivation killers.

How To Deal With A Narcissist: 5 Secrets Backed By Research – Barking Up The Wrong Tree

If the research in this article is to be believed then narcissism is on the rise – probably due to the selfie – although I can’t say “duck face” is a great look. This post discusses why people are narcissists (it may not be why you think) and how you can cope with them in the real world.

Transform Your Life In One Month: The 30 Best TED Talks Of All Time That Will Inspire You – Lifehack

If you have a spare afternoon then sit down and check out these great videos that cover topics as far ranging as using your “sixth sense” to how amazing our oceans are.

Why “Busy” isn’t The Same Thing As “Productive” (And What To Do About It) – Melyssa Griffin

I have a lot of friends (and some family) who go on about how rushed off their feet they are, and they’re so impossibly busy they can’t cope. But are they actually that busy or are they just being unproductive and taking on more than they can cope with?

5 Things that Happen When You Embrace Being Alone – Marc and Angel Hack Life

I shared another article recently about how it can actually beneficial for you to do things on your own, and this article builds on that. We seem to be in a situation where we feel it’s not the norm to go to an event or party – even the cinema – on our own, but I think it helps build self-reliance and a greater sense of confidence if you try to do something on your own each day.

How You Should Answer The 10 Most Common Interview Questions – Fast Company

Some companies ask almost impossible questions (I’m looking at you Google) but there is almost a standard set of questions you’ll come across in most interview situations and this article should prepare you for the majority of them.

19 things you need to stop saying (because you sound like a corporate robot) – Mashable

I’m surprised “Blue Sky Thinking” isn’t on the list – that one is one of my particular pet hates! But I honestly think you also need to stop using the words “actually” and “literally” so much too.

11 gritty quotes that will fuel your determination for success – Ziglar Vault

If you’re looking for some motivation over the next week then check this article out. Its 11 quotes provide motivation in a variety of situations – and don’t forget to check out my free monthly motivational wallpapers too.

Your Quick Guide To A Productive Home Office – Make Use Of

This infographic covers everything from lighting to colour schemes and is worth a read if you are looking at setting up or rejuvenating your home office.

The 4 Secret Motivation Killers that the Top 1% Know About – Pick The Brain

David Allen is a big proponent of closing “Open Loops” and whilst I don’t really follow his methodology and more I can completely understand how important this step in in sorting out your productivity and motivation.

6 Things You SHOULD NEVER THROW AWAY – The Cottage Market

The big thing at the moment seems to be decluttering (see my review of the Life changing Magic Of Tidying Up here) but this post argues that there are certain things you shouldn’t throw away – and after seeing the bar in a suitcase I have to agree!

128 Words to Use Instead of “Very” – Proofreading Services

I have to admit I detest repetitive speech patterns. It can ruin a novel for me if the author uses a word or phrase over and over. I might be considered a bit of a word snob – after all, I have read the dictionary from cover to cover (twice – I wasn’t allowed a T.V in my bedroom okay?!) This interesting infographic gives you 128 different words to use instead of saying something is “very…”. Check it out and impress your friends and colleagues!

How To Stick To Your Goals When You’ve Lost Motivation – Cash Net USA

I don’t know about you but there are some days where I start with really good intentions of getting stuff done and then my enthusiasm and motivation just seems to peter out after a couple of hours. If so then check out this infographic covering some great tips on how the get your motivation mojo back.

Tips On How To Prevent Procrastination – Luxafor.com

Infographic: Tips On How To Prevent Procrastination


About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Woman In Clouds by Unsplash on Pixabay
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