Weekly Round-Up #8 – Clutter, Meetings and Smart People

Happy Friday everyone! Phew, what a week it’s been – I hope that yours has been a happy and productive one.
Welcome to my weekly round-up where I pull together some interesting topics for you to look at when you’re relaxing over the weekend – enjoy!
How to Organize Your Entire Life with Trello – Lifehack
Trello is one of those things that I keep on meaning to have a look at but but haven’t gotten round to it yet mainly because I’m still fiddling with my current Google Calendar/Keep setup and I don’t want to confuse myself! If you use Trello, let me know what you think about it in the comments.
5 email myths you can stop believing now – Mashable
There are some interesting little facts in this article such as 90% of emails that ever get replies get one on the same day so, if you haven’t heard back by the end of the day the likelihood is you won’t, sorry!
How clutter affects your productivity (and what you can do about it) – The Next Web
Tidy desk… tidy mind? Well, not if you saw the state of my desk at the moment! Clutter though does have a big impact on our productivity according to several studies. This article gives some useful suggestions on how to deal with clutter (although I draw the line at only having 12 bowls in my kitchen!)
How to Run a Better Meeting (Infographic) – Entrepreneur
If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that I’m a big one for running meetings properly. This infographic give some interesting facts and advice about meetings.
Speaking of meetings – sign up to my Free Monthly Newsletter and get access to my free e-book “Managing Meetings”
Productivity advice I learned from people smarter than me – The Next Web
Ryan Holiday goes through some of the tips he’s learned from various people – not all productivity gurus. Some of the points raised here are quite interesting and worth thinking about.
Stay Healthy at Your Desk With These Quick and Easy Stretches – Make Use Of
If you’re a desk worker you’ll appreciate the infographic in this post that shows some ways you can stretch out those cramped muscles.
We Know Why You’re Always Late – Wall Street Journal
Yes, it’s another article on time keeping. I was actually on time for something today which was a bit of a shocker! Apparently my chronic tardiness is all down to what the WSJ calls “Planning Fallacy” – and do you know what, I think they’re on to something. Recently I’ve started to add 15 to 20 minutes on to any estimated times I come up with and it seems to be working – fingers crossed I can keep it up!
Why 90 day goals are better than year long ones – Fast Company
If you set goals for the upcoming year these are often left to fall by the wayside. With 90 day goals the period is short enough to see the effects quickly, and change them if required.