Weekly Round-Up #72: I Have A Little Rant, Don't Get Tied Up In Sheets & 3 Things To Do Before Bedtime

Welcome to this week’s round-up. Hopefully I’ve found something of interest for all of you this week – please excuse my little rant after the first article though!
Anyway, this week we look at how you can be mindful throughout your working day, 9 things that will kill your career and how to calm yourself down.
Don’t forget to check out this week’s guest post College Writing Toolbox For A+ Marks if you haven’t read it already you may find some interesting tips on how to write great articles – and they apply to any writer, not just college students.
Anyway, on to the round-up. Grab yourself a coffee and get comfortable!
7 Traps to Avoid If You’re a Woman Preparing to Be an Entrepreneur – Entrepreneur.com
I usually only post articles that I find interesting or agree with, but this one wound me up so much that I needed to share it with in in order to vent my anger.
Almost every point in this article is ill-thought-out and has a stronger counter argument than the one made here. Do you need to be on birth control to be an entrepreneur? Do I need to refuse state assistance (that I am entitled to and may paid towards in the past) in order to fulfil my entrepreneurial destiny? Geez. And this article was written by a Woman too – thanks for setting all us hard-working, non-birthcontrol taking women back years, love.
Right, rant over. Now back to the well-thought-out and useful articles!
3 Things You Should Do Every Single Night – Money Saving Mom
I hate going to sleep with a messy kitchen. Yes, 20-something-year-old me, you heard that right! And whilst I agree with going through your to-dos for the next day, I’m not sure that timeboxing is necessarily the best way to go (you can read about timeboxing and my thoughts on it here).
Bedding Care 101 – Mary Elizabeth via Tip Hero
These people make folding fitted sheets look so easy… I’ve tried so many times and have failed miserably! There are some other great tips here too – I highly recommend Mary Elizabeth’s method of storage your sheet sets, I use it and it saves the hassle of trying to find matching bits and saves space too.
If you want more advice on how to organise your linen closet in another way, check out How to Fold a Fitted Sheet — and Keep an Organized Linen Closet from the Martha Stewart website.
How to Practice Mindfulness Throughout Your Work Day – Harvard Business Review
How often you you just go through your day and by the end of it you can’t really think back to what you’ve done and have just done everything on auto-pilot. Imagine how much more productive you would be if you were mindful about your tasks! This post from the Harvard Business Review can help you figure out how to be more mindful during your day
14 Time Management Strategies from Highly Productive People – Laura Vanderkam @ Heleo
Point number 3 is an interesting one, too often we feel the need to work ourselves into the ground and find that we’re not really accomplishing anything, now we can give ourselves permission to stop when we feel like we’re hitting a brick wall.
Best note taking apps for Android: the definitive list for organizing your life – AndroidPit
Evernote is, of course on this list but there are a couple of new contenders that you should be aware of if you’re an Android user. I’m certainly going to be taking a look at Diaro for keeping track of blog post ideas and Squid looks like it may be a fun way to capture brief notes too.
9 Things That Will Kill Your Career – Entrepreneur
We don’t all make a video involving us singing our resignation, sometimes we slowly kill our job prospects one badly worded email at a time.
7 Simple “Calm-Down Phrases” That Can Blow Away Your Worst Troubles – Pick The Brain
Sometimes saying “Calm Down” to a person can have the opposite affect on a person and wind them up but when you’re talking to yourself it’s a whole different ballgame. Being able to say “Whatever” is a great thing every now and again.
Have a Great Weekend
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