Weekly Round-Up #70: Read a book in an afternoon, How to revise and how to read more

Welcome to this week’s round-up where we look at how to revise well and how to read more effectively (and quickly).
If you haven’t seen my newsletter then you’ll not know that I’m devoting the month of May (and a bit) to some brilliant guest posts. Before you read my pick of the productivity pops this week, make sure you read this weeks guest post: 5 ways to Overcome Procrastination written by Amina at AH Scribbles. Make sure you check out AH Scribbles too and follow her on twitter – @AHEchoes
Now on to this week’s round-up!
Time Management 101 with Australia’s Top Creatives – Broadsheet
You don’t have to be a “creative” to appreciate some of the advice in this post, from early starts (urgh!) to list keeping (yeay!) there’s plenty of great advice.
15 simple things you can do to stay happy at work – Mashable
Can you make yourself happy at work in 15 simple steps? I think some of these will actually work especially #4 – “Dole Out Compliments”. I often find that making someone else feel better can make me feel better about myself too.
The science of revision: nine ways pupils can revise for exams more effectively – The Guardian
So we’re getting into exam season and you may need to start revising. These 9 tips can help you get the most out of your study time. These tips aren’t just for students though – if you’re trying to study for a big presentation at work they may be of use too.
5 Ways Working Night Shifts May Affect Your Health – Huffington Post
Having worked twilight shifts (and later) before for an extended period of time I know how much it can mess with your long-term sleep patterns. This article highlights an even greater risk to your health, even if you’re just working 3 night shifts a month.
Why I Choose to Integrate Work and Life, Not Balance It – The Muse
We all seem to be stuck in the 9 to 5 rut – even those of you lucky enough to be able to set your own schedules. This post looks at how you should make your schedule work around you, rather than you working along a set timetable.
12 Things Successful People Do Before They Go to Bed – Inc
If you want to be as successful as Obama, read before going to sleep… don’t do what I do though and get so into the book you’re reading that you forget what the time is and read until dawn… whoops! Make sure you set limits on all your pre-sleep activites.
The Difference Between Trying And Doing – Michael Hyatt
If you’re a long-term reader then you may remember back in 2015 for “Star Wars Day” I wrote about how Yoda could harm your productivity with his “Do Or Do Not” attitude. A year later and I’ve realised that I may have been slightly wrong in my understanding of what Yoda meant, and it would see that Michael Hyatt agrees with me!
9 Brilliant Business Books You Can Read in an Afternoon – The Entrepreneur
I struggle to find time to read. I know it’s something that I should be doing in order to learn and better myself – or just simply relax, but with everything else that’s going on and my commitments it’s difficult to sit myself down to concentrate just on reading. This list gives me the opportunity to at least try to get a book a week read!
11 tips and tricks to make yourself read more – Mashable
If the quick reads in the post above have whet your appetite then checkout the post from Mashable that will (hopefully) help you read more regularly.
11 Tips for Living a Minimalist Lifestyle – Observer
Minimalism doesn’t just apply to furniture and décor, it can apply to relationships, objectives and even phone notifications too.
8 Things Successful People Do Before 8 A.M. – Self
Start your day with positive words, and positive things will come to you. That’s the gist of this article which also covers important points such as hydration and (a little bit of) exercise.
How to Get 90% of Your Work Done Before Lunch – The Muse
Yes, some of the advice here may be to get up early but there are some other good points in this post. The “60 Second Decision” idea is an interesting one, David Allen calls for a “Two Minute Rule” but this forces you to think even faster – keep an eye out in June for my thoughts on the “2 Minute Rule”.
9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit – Huffington Post
It’s not all about the money you know. Failing to recognise employee’s achievements, not challenging your staff and being too rigid are all things that may cause a fantastic employee to seek greener grass.
The 40 Hanger Closet – Living Well Spending Less
It’s not too late to carry on the spring cleaning – how about you take a look at your wardrobe?
Organizing Tip: 5 Things You Must Do After a Successful Organizing Project – The Order Expert
So, you’ve got yourself super-organised: what next? You don’t leave it at that, that’s for sure! Check out The Order Expert to see what you should be doing.
Have A Great Weekend
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