Weekly Round-Up #61: Are you pulling the plug for National Unplugging Day?


March the 4-5th 2016 is National Unplug Day where we’re all supposed to get off our devices and live in the real world for a while – are you taking the challenge? If so the this post gives you some tips and advice on how to cope without your tech!

Weekly Round-Up #61: Are you pulling the plug for National Unplugging Day?
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Do you know that March the 4th-5th is National Unplugging Day? In the U.S it is at least, I doubt you could get any of the kids and Millenials in the UK to put down their phones for 24 mintues let alone 24 hours!

There’s still time for you to sign up if you’re in America so visit the National Day Of Unplugging Website.

And if you’ve decided to take the leap into Unplugging Yourself here are a few tips of things spend yout time on now you’ve put down your phone for the first time in ages!

4 Things To Do When You Unplug Today [Infographic] – PointAbove Consulting

4 Ways To Unplug - PointAbove Consulting

23 Non-Technology Things To Do On National Unplug Day – Yes And Yes

I wouldn’t go as far as going to the gym, but de-cluttering the house or going to the movies is a really good start!

7 Important Reasons to Unplug and Find Space – Becoming Minimalist

If you’re not sure that you should unplug, or perhaps don’t see why you should then maybe you’re one of the 84% of people who can’t go without using a phone for a day – think you can? Then prove it! Not sure you need to then check out this article about the benefits of unplugging yourself even for a short while.

Things To Do When You’re Unplugged + Ranch Popcorn Recipe – Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog

This article has some great ideas for those of you with a family that all unplug together, plus you get a great recipe for popcorn as well!

5 Ways To Unplug And Connect– The Bridgemaker

Unplugging can be difficult and it’s important to realise that you may not be able to unplug completely – and that’s okay.

Digital Detox: Unplug For The Weekend – Be More With Less

There’s some great tips in this article from programs you can use to block your access to the internet if you still feel the need to use your computer, to keeping a journal.

What Really Happens To Your Brain And Body During A Digital Detox – Fast Company

Did you know that going unplugged can improve your posture? Not bending over that little screen even for a couple of days can make a real improvement to the way you stand.

A ‘digital detox’ sounds too quaint for 2016 – I don’t want to ban social media, it’s the way we live now – The Guardian

This article makes a good point in that we’re so wrapped up in our online selves that it would be almost impossible to separate “Digital Katy” from “Real Life Katy” in some ways. I don’t think I could go as far as the author Zadie Smith did – according to the article she only has a flip phone with no internet… nope, that’s one step too far for me I’m afraid (although I do still fancy getting a Motorola Razr!)

Over To You

Do you think you could take the unplugged challenge? Do you do it regularly anyway? If so, what are your tips and tricks to staying offline? Let us know in the comments or Tweet Me @FlipHeck.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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