Weekly Round-Up #60: Morning people, create more time in your day and it’s time to be magical
Do you need help quitting? Have you got your email sorted? and perhaps Magic can help you conjure time

Hello everyone, I hope this week has found you well and rested. I’m on holiday from work at the moment and whilst this should be a relaxing time I’m getting so stressed with myself it’s unbelievable! I can’t switch off, I’ve set a deadline to get a project finished which looks like I will meet but all of a sudden there are all these other issues taking up my carefully planned time… “Oh, you’re on holiday you can run me to…”, “Oh, you’re on holiday can help me with…” sometimes I think a holiday is less restful than just carrying on with the usual 9-5! And it doesn’t help that (in this day and age) my internet keeps going down so I’m never quite sure when I can work. Tonight is one of the nights (I hope) we’re okay Internet wise – I’ve not had great deal of chance to work out this week’s post so please bear with me!
5 Ways to Make Your Employees and Managers More Productive – Your Next Seven
I wish more companies would allow lower-level workers to institute changes to processes and routines. More often than not it will increase worker happiness and also bring some great ideas to the fore that management may not have thought of.
Not A Morning Person? Blame Your DNA – Huffington Post
Yeay! I finally have an excuse for being someone who can’t be roused out of bed before noon…. on a good day! The weird thing is though, if it’s DNA related why is it that my Mother, Father and Brother could all get up at the crack of dawn and I’d still be snoozing until afternoon tea if left alone? DNA or just sheer laziness… you decide!
5 Ways to Magically Create More Time in Your Day – The Stir
Yes, there are only 24 hours in the day but if you use that time efficiently it can seem like a lot more! Apparently we’re evenly split between wanting to have more time and more money, and this post will give you a few pointers about getting more work done in a shorter time rather than getting more cash in the bank – can’t help with that, apart from robbing (joke) we can’t help!
The Only Email Tips You Need For The Perfect Office Inbox – HuffPost Tech
There’s some reasonable advice in here if you’re struggling to get to grips with your inbox. I have to admit I have so many better ideas and they’ll all be available soon (calendar permitting!) But please take note of labels and filters which can really save your bacon – and sanity!
If you want an bit more advice, please check out my post How To: Get To Inbox Zero with Labels and Filters
The complete guide to never quitting anything again – The Next Web
Do you give up on things all too easily? Maybe there’s an explanation for that! Despite it’s scientific looking-holyier-than-thou pictures and videos there are a few decent ideas in this post to not get fat – something I’m struggling with massively (hey-yo!) at the moment.
The Important Difference Between Time Management and Task Management – Tech.Co
This article opens by comparing tasks and oxygen together. If you’re up Mount Everest then you have less oxygen so… er, I’m not sure of the point in the analogy.
Also, not to get too scientific on your a**e but if you are at a higher altitude then your diet can go out of the window so this article is basically extolling the virtues of mountain living in some weird way, although it may not reduce your tasks… er???
Making the Most of Your Time – Venture
Six simple steps to get yourself back on-track, figure out your weakness and maintain your energy are two – and I sincerly agree. There’s no way you can be at peak performance if you’re run down and fighting against your own body.
The Morning Routine That Maximizes My Productivity At Work – Forbes
The opening paragraph of this article is:
“In The Social Animal, David Brooks wrote that ‘A person who is interrupted while performing a task takes 50 percent more time to complete it and makes 50 percent more errors.'”
In that case we’re all interrupted slow muppets, surely? If you can get past the anti-adblocker warning thne there are some interesting thoughts in this article (although why people keep saying “go to the gym” is beyond me… well, it’s not I just wish they’d stop saying it!)
Over To You
Do you have any interesting articles you think I should check out for next week’s round up? Do you see a correlation with climbing Mount Everest and task management? Maybe you know someone who can’t climb a hill without becoming confused!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments, or sent me a tweet @FlipHeck