Weekly Round-up #6 – You’re using your phone wrong, Baloney and Schedules

Yes, it’s that time of the week again when I round up some interesting articles I’ve come across this week so that you can have a leisurely peruse of them over the weekend.
The Not-to-Do List – 7 Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Productivity and Happiness – Entrepreneur
Did you know that you shouldn’t use your phone as your alarm clock? Whoops! Also, do hold meetings if you don’t have an agenda – but you all know that from My Free E-book don’t you?
Memo to work martyrs: Long hours make you less productive – CNBC
Not only are you losing out on valuable family time, and maybe not even getting paid for the hours you’re putting in but if you work over 50 hours a week your productivity goes out of the window. So, take a hint from the article and head on home.
Carl Sagan’s Best Productivity Tricks – Lifehacker
The well known astronomer gives you some interesting productivity tips including having a “Baloney detector” amongst other things.
6 Lessons of Success We Can All Learn from Dale Carnegie – Addicted2Success
Dale Carnegie gives us 6 tips to be more successful, including taking chances and learning from our mistakes. Whilst none of them are massive eye openers, it’s good to be reminded every now and again.
7 Unexpected lessons from tracking your time – Fast Company
Are you always late? Perhaps you’re underestimating how long it takes you to get ready in the mornings. Working long hours? Maybe you’re not charging enough for your time. Check out the full list over at Fast Company to see if any apply to you.
That Didn’t Need To Take An Hour – Feld
Don’t schedule things in hourly blocks, whatever you’re doing will expand to fill the time available. But then again, if you schedule them in too short a chunk you’ll end up with too many things to cope with so beware!
The importance of being on time (and why we often run late) – The Next Web
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before – I’m chronically late. So late in fact people no longer expect me to turn up on time and tell me a different time to meet – well, we can’t all be perfect can we? Perhaps a few pointer in this article will help me?
8 Timeless Tips for Freelancers Struggling with Productivity – Make Use Of
Schedule your time, allow room for play and try not to multi-task are some of the pieces of advice this article has for freelancers (and people working from home in general).
6 Best Practices for Working from Home – Entrepreneur
Following on from our tips for freelancers, here’s some more tips for those of us lucky enough to work from home such as actually getting our of those pyjamas for a change…. what? Never!