Weekly Round-Up #54: ToDo(ist) your GTD, KonMari Your Finances, Folding Fitting Sheets and Getting The Tone Of Your Emails Sorted
In this edition we look at how you can get things done, ask if your money choices spark joy, debate whether you can cut caffeine out after 1pm and stop getting tangled in fitted sheets!

Welcome to this week’s weekly round-up. I hope you had a good New Year and that returning to work wasn’t too stressful for you!
In this edition we look at how you can get things done, ask if your money choices spark joy, debate whether you can cut caffeine out after 1pm and stop getting tangled in fitted sheets!
10 Ways I Use ToDoist for Getting Things Done (GTD) – Dialexa
ToDoist is one of those apps that’s been on my radar for quite a while but I’ve never quite had the urge to use it. I’m moving back into paper-based planning at the moment so an online app isn’t really on my radar. I’ve also slightly fallen out of love with GTD but if you’re a fan of Getting Things Done and want a new digital solution then this article may be interest.
Instead of Making Resolutions, Make a List of Your Successes and Fears – Lifehacker
I’m not a big one for making New Year’s Resolutions – I think there’s too much pressure to start a project on a date defined by an old Roman Emperor. I do like this idea from Lifehacker though where you write down what you did well in the previous year and what you didn’t do too good at, and analyse why.
Have You KonMari’d Your Money? Maybe You Should – Grow From Acorn
If you’re not familiar with the “Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo you must have been living in a cabin in the woods for the past year – read my review here to catch up. This post suggests you take the KonMari method of “does it spark joy?” and apply that to your money. That subscription to Readers Digest? Yup, that’s over!
20 Procrastination Quotes That Will Help You To Change Your Delaying Habits – Pick The Brain
If you’re familiar with my free monthly wallpapers then you’ll know I love a good quote. If you’re looking for some motivation then perhaps these will help – don’t be surprised if you see some of these on my downloads soon!
10 Organizing Secrets – Easy Organizing Ideas – Living On A Dime
There’s some great tips here. I especially agree with Tip #1’s “Try picking up during TV commercials or while you are waiting for something to boil on the stove.” I’ve started to back-fill my time quite a bit (a post will be coming on the subject soon!) and no longer sit there staring blankly at commercials, I’ll put a bit of washing away, start emptying the dishwasher one advert break and finish it the next – it’s amazing what you can get done in these small windows of time. Try it and you’ll be surprised!
5 Simple Ways to Wake Up Earlier – The Happy Housewife
Yes, it’s another article on waking up earlier. Am I obsessed with the subject? You bet I am! I’m getting a lot better at waking earlier. In this article the author says she doesn’t drink caffeine after 1pm – eek! I’ve banned it after 7pm or I wouldn’t be able to function like a normal human being. The good news is that I only need to set 3 alarms in the morning now rather than 8 – progress!
How to Fold a Fitted Sheet {The Easy Way} – Angela Says
I followed some video instructions for folding a fitted sheet the other day and almost put my back out and smash a ceiling light. This short article with some nice photos makes it look much more simple – I’ll let you know after tomorrow when I sort my laundry out if it works as easily as it seems!
Hat Tip: Home Tips World
This Chrome Plug-In Makes Your Emails Sound More Confident – Lifehacker UK
The Brits are known as some of the most apologetic people on the planet, I think the phrase “sorry to bother you” is the most used in the country after “how about the weather, eh?” This Chrome extension will check what you’re typing in your email and underline suspected “weak” words like “just”, “actually” and “sorry” so you can go back and re-word these sentences. It’s currently only available for GMail but the author has made it open source so other email platforms may be available soon.
5 follow-up emails that come off as rude (and what to write instead) – Mashable UK
Sticking with email, as we’ve seen from the above article how you write your emails – the tone as well as the content – is really important for getting your message across. It’s also important to consider how the phrases you write will be construed by the person at the end of the monitor when they haven’t got any body language or facial cues to go on to gauge your true feelings behind your message.
Whilst this post from Mashable UK is mainly concerned with chasing up after job interviews these phrases can be applied to any form of chase up email. Remember “Oi, where my stuff you ratbag?” is never a good email to send!
Over To You
I hope you’ve enjoyed this weeks round-up. As always, if you have a comment, post suggestion or question you can contact me or send me a tweet.
Have a great weekend and I’ll chat to you next week!
Photo Credit: Unknown from FunSubstance
Procrastination is such a fickle, fickle bitc-….. concept, when you’ve finally resolved to tackle/address it head-on. Like, wow. I hate it, just ever so much… I just absolutely gotta flesh this thought out somewhere at the moment lol.
…It’s like being forced to play in the world’s most agonizing chess match against yourself… with no breaks inbetween. Ever. till you win or at least tie.
OurHome, iReward Chart.
Move your bed so the sun shines in your eyes in the morning. Move rooms if needed. If it’s disrupting sleep too much, Home Depot blocker roller shade.
Vit D (Rainbow Light 2500 IU, 2/morning) only if you test low. You can get a dependence on this, so keep up the stash or wean off. Neurotransmitter precursor and essential semi-hormone.
Omega 3 (Nordic Naturals 2/day). No dependence noticed here. DHA and EPA helps brains function at top notch.
Cost saver.. I hear Costo has excellent fish oil and vit D.
Take care! (Not a doctor.. l-tyrosine?)