Weekly Round-Up # 49: Bullet Journalling, Moleskine's the new Tech and Why Doughnuts Kill Your Producutivity


Moleskines and Bullet Journals are the new big thing amongst start-ups and tech companies. Doughnuts and snacks can hamper your productivity and would you trust your calendar to a virtual assistant?

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Hi, and welcome to another weekly Round-Up post!

I hope this week finds you well, for me this week I’ve mostly been struggling with technology that hasn’t been working – it’s amazing how much we now rely on it and how difficult things are when it decides to take a nap! It’s also amazing how much time we lose because of this reliance on technology – perhaps we need to move back to simpler times, eh?!

This week we take a look at how to bullet journal, why Moleskine’s are ruling the tech world and how doughnuts can harm your productivity.

How to Sleep Better: Sleeping Tips from 36 Successful Entrepreneurs – Leather Beds Arena

How do some of the most influential entrepreneurs get to sleep? Check out this post which contains some interesting and surprising tips but I agree with the general consensus that you shouldn’t skimp on sleep and try to get as much as possible.

Getting Started With Bullet Journaling – Bullet Journal

I’m always on the look out for the next best way of tracking my tasks and bullet journalling has been on my radar for a couple of months. I’m looking into using a paper-based planner again to keep track of all of my to-dos and this is something that I will consider looking at properly in the new year – let me know if you’ve had any success using it.

5 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity – Money & Career Cheatsheet

Step away from the doughnuts! Did you know that eating too much rubbish food could be cramping your productivity? Sure, junk food may make you feel better in the short-term but you’ll soon find yourself flagging and being less productive.

Why Startups Love Moleskines – New Yorker

Are you one of the people that bought 17 million Moleskines last year? Do you work in tech? If so then you’re part of a growing number of people who eschew tech in favour of paper-based products. I happen to be a big fan of Moleskines – although I do find them expensive for what they are – and use one everyday for note taking and apparently I’m not alone. What do you think? Are Moleskines just hype or are they worth the paper you’re writing on?

‘No’ is your most powerful time management tool – New Zealand Herald

How often do you feel able to say “No” when someone asks you to do something? If you’re like me then it’s not often enough. This article looks at the reasons why you should be saying no more often – it’s more beneficial than you think.

7 Useful Excel Sheets to Instantly Improve Your Family’s Budget – Make Use Of

As we’re almost into the start of a new year perhaps it’s time to get your finances in order. This post has 7 great spreadsheets for you to use to manage your finances, they are Excel-based but they should also work with Google Sheets too.

Life With My Robot Secretary – Fast Code Design

Struggle to manage your day? Spend most of your time sorting out meetings when you could be working? Maybe Clara is the personal assistant you didn’t know you needed. Simply CC Clara into an email and “she” will run off and sort it all out for you – too good to be true? Maybe it is – if you use something like this let us know in the comments how it’s working out for you.

Over To You

Do you use a Moleskine or digital personal assistant? Maybe you think doughnuts and other junk food fuel your productivity rather than hamper it, let us know in the comments what you think.

I hope you’ve had a good week – and have a great weekend. As always, if you have an article you think my readers would be interested in then tweet me a link or contact me through the website

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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