Weekly Round-Up #46 – There's No Such Thing As Work/Life Balance and Put Your Phone Down!
Are you one of those people who sit in a restaurant glued to your phone? If so (shame on you!) read on! Also, is paper better than technology for organising your schedule and 80 ways to get super organised.

Welcome to another weekly round-up here on Flipping Heck! I hope it finds you well. This week we look at whether paper planners are better than technology based ones, how to organise your bathroom and does such a thing as work-life balance exist?
My fancy, high-tech planning system – Laura Vanderkam
Laura Vanderkam is one of those women who see to have everything together. To learn from this post that she doesn’t use an electronic calendar to schedule meetings came as a bit of an eye opener – especially as she uses a cheap paper-based option.
Speaking of paper-based options, how about not cheap but free?! If you subscribe to my newsletter I’ll be giving away a series of free downloadable planners over the next few weeks so you have no excuse not to be organised next year! Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss out.
Free Printable Thanksgiving Day Schedule – Household Management 101
So apparently Thanksgiving is some sort of massive organisational headache in the U.S and Canada? I thought it was like a Christmas Dinner- which to me is like a slightly larger Sunday Roast which I cook every week so perhaps that’s why I’m used to it. Cooking times are a factor though so if you need to figure out when the turkey goes in, and comes out so you can get other stuff in the oven then check out this planner.
Addicted to your smartphone? Take our five-step program to break the habit – Android Pit
It’s terrible to see groups of people out in public with their heads bent over not talking in real life, just online. These tips will help you kick the habit of staring at your phone too much – although I think number 5 on the list defeats the object a bit! I went out the other day without my phone and didn’t realise it wasn’t on me until I got back home so it proves you don’t need it all the time… either that or it’s because I have no friends to contact me!
Why I Turn My Cell Phone Off During the Day (And Why You Should, Too!) – The Nectar Collective
Sticking with getting rid of phones (are you noticing a theme here?!) Melyssa Griffin turns hers off every day. Could you cope with being happier and more productive just by pushing the “off” button?
80 Easy Ways to Be More Organized Everyday – The Order Expert
This massive list of tips is one of those that you can pick and choose items from when you’re in the mood for them rather than attempting them all at once! There’s some really neat tips here and you could make it even more fun by putting them into a hat so you don’t know what you’ll be working on next!
Why We All Need to Give Up on Work-Life Balance Once and for All – Entrepreneur
There’s so much stock put in a “good work life balance” that if you don’t achieve it you’re seen as a bad parent, co-worker, wife/husband/human being but does it really exist? Your idea of good work-life balance is probably completely different to mine. This article discusses why we need to give up on the notion of work-life balance once and for all.
Height adjustable knock down couch / standing desk – Woodgears
No-one seems to be able to make their minds up at the moment whether I should be sitting or standing when I’m at my desk so how about a sitting-standing desk as a compromise? The skill level involved is a little high but it should give you (or your handy mate with loads of tools) a place to start.
Hat Tip: Lifehacker Workshop
5 Tips For A More Organized Bathroom – Household Management 101 on Ebay
During October I challenged you to Organise and Clean Your Bathroom. This post has a few extra ideas that may come in handy such as colour coordinating wash cloths (and towels) for each family member so they don’t get mixed up.
12 Habits of People Who Always Have A Clean Home – A Debt Free Stress Free Life
As I’m getting older (no, I’m not quite that old yet thank you!) I’m finding that I prefer to be more organised and tidy. I’m very much a subscriber of “everything in its place” which really helps keep things ship-shape and Bristol fashion. Check out this post to see what you should be thinking about and doing regularly to keep your space tidy.
Here’s Proof That Office Supplies Can Organize Your Entire Home – House Beautiful
Who says office supplies have to only organise stuff in an office. Check out the gallery in this post for some interesting ways to stack wash cloths and tidy cables.
Have A Great Weekend
Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to get access to exclusive 2016 planners, to-do lists and more plus access to my ebooks! And don’t forget to check out the great posts we’ve had over the past couple of weeks:
–7 Best Infographics on the Web For Increasing Workplace Productivity [Guest Post]
– Christmas Present Ideas For Productivity Lovers
– Free Download: Christmas Food Planner
– Free Download: Christmas Present Tracker
As always if you have any comments I love to read them. Pop them on any post, contact me via the website or hit me up on Twitter and Facebook!