Weekly Round-Up #34 – You Can Be Beyoncé, Get Respected At Work, Quit Bad Habits and 101 Blogs To Read
If everybody becomes Beyoncé, can anyone hear her put a ring on it? In this week’s round up we learn not to fear financial failure, how to be more successful at work and what the 101 blogs we should be reading are.

Phew! It’s Friday again! I hope the end of the week finds you well and you haven’t had a too stressful week.
This week has been a bit of an interesting one for me as I’ve had to learn some new skills and deal with some new people. I always think that you should embrace any opportunity that comes along – you never know when the Universe is trying to throw you a big hint! I’m also a big fan of embracing our fears and trying new things (unless you have a really good reason of course!). I’ve not read Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers (affiliate link) – it is on my list of things to do though. I’ve been trying to extend myself for some time now by stepping out of my comfort zone and moving into new areas: starting a new job, quitting another, re-jigging the third (3 jobs? Yes, I’m greedy!) and I couldn’t have done this unless I decided to test myself and see if I can do what I’ve put my mind to.
I’ll be writing about utilising our fear as a motivator soon but I’d love to hear some of your experiences – have you stretched yourself and tried something new? Or maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and need to know how to get out of it. Whatever your thoughts, please contact me using the form on the website. All responses will be treated anonymously and I look forward to hearing from you.
Anyway, here’s the list of productivity and motivation links I’ve found for you to look at over the weekend – enjoy!
A psychologist explains how successful people do more in a day than others do in a week – Business Insider UK
I don’t know why they picked Beyoncé as the person who gets the most done but if you read this post you may figure out how she does it! There’s some good advice in this article such as banning “friendly interruptions” which I do believe is an important (and underrated) factor in Time Sinks.
11 Ways to Earn Respect at Work – Entrepreneur
Sometimes getting your head down and just getting on with “it” isn’t enough to earn you the respect you deserve. On occasion you have to put yourself out there a bit and get yourself noticed. This post covers some of the options you have that will help you be respected by your peers and management, rather than becoming the office pariah.
A Brief Guide to Quitting a Bad Habit – Lifehacker
We all have bad habits – and don’t try and say you haven’t got any! I’ve managed to quit smoking, regularly give up alcohol and have even become better at time keeping (I was chronically late all of the time, now I’m only slightly late some of the time!). Going back to my opening statement, a lot of times we fail to quit a bad habit is down to fear – fear of the unknown and fear of failure amongst other things. Whilst this post won’t give you all the answers you need to quit a habit it will certainly give you pause for thought and point you in the right direction.
6 apps for people who are easily distracted at work – Mashable
Some of these apps would fit in quite nicely with tracking your Time Sinks activities such as tracking time, or blocking time spent on the internet. There are also tools to help with the Pomodoro Technique, your to-do items and to keep you focused on what you’re supposed to be working on.
The Power of Habit Stacking – Be More With Less
As the article states “Even if you’ve never heard of habit stacking, you probably already do it” The idea behind habit stacking is to create a chain of actions that feed each other. You do action a, which leads to action b then action c. After a while a habit forms so that when you perform action a, b and c follow automatically.
My Finances Sucked Until I Conquered My Fear of Being Poor – Lifehacker Two Cents
There are some things I agree with in this post such as buying things because they are cheap rather than getting something which may be a bit more expensive but will ultimately do the job better. This article refers back to my opening paragraphs again in that we shouldn’t be afraid about money – having it, asking for it, saving it or spending it and we certainly shouldn’t be afraid of not having it.
Top 101 Self-Improvement Blogs That Help You Thrive – 99 Smart Ideas
I thought I’d finish up with this great article from Camilla at 99 Smart Ideas. She’s curated a list of 101 blogs that cover productivity, motivation, leadership, health & fitness and so much more. You may have heard of some of these blogs and whilst I’m not listed (boo!) there are a lot that you will find interesting.
Have a great weekend
I hope you’ve enjoyed the articles I’ve found for you. As always, if you have a suggestion for an article, product or service you think that my readers would enjoy please let me know in the comments or contact me via the website – I do check them all out!