January 19, 2025
Weekly Round-Up #312: Food Waste, Sleeping Well And Psychic Readings

Weekly Round-Up #312: Food Waste, Sleeping Well And Psychic Readings


This week we take a look at how you can reduce food waste by storing your fruit and veg in the right way, how you can still grab a cup of coffee and get a decent night’s sleep and some interesting facts about psychic readings.

Person having the palm read over a pack of playing cards
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Welcome to this week’s round-up I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at how you can reduce food waste by storing your fruit and veg in the right way, how you can still grab a cup of coffee and get a decent night’s sleep and some interesting facts about psychic readings.

How To Store 31 Fresh Fruits And Vegetables – Ecowatch

It’s estimated that the average household wastes more than 30% of the food it obtains – a staggering statistic with both financial and environmental consequences. 140 million acres of land are needed to produce this lost or wasted food each year, which is about the size of New York and California combined.


So, how do you store fruit and veg so it lasts longer? I’ve been using some great bags that help produce breathe(Amazon Affiliate link) but if you want some simple tips – like how to stop your avocado going brown or stop your cauliflower going mushy the this article has you covered.

How To Get More Likes On Your Instagram Posts – John Lincoln Marketing

While I don’t advocate chasing likes for a personal Instgram account (it’s a soul destroying habit that can seriously affect your mental health), if you’re running a business account and are trying to promote a product or service then likes on posts can really help you reach new audiences. You can also use it as feedback as to whether your campaigns are going in the right direction. So, how do you get likes organically and authentically? John Lincoln Marketing has some tips for you.

Weekly Round-Up #167: Influential Women, Vegetables, Procrastination And Voodoo
This week we look at some important quotes from famous women, how to start a vegetable garden if you don't know where to start, the four questions you need to ask to avoid procrastination and how a Voodoo Doll could get you back on track at work.

Caffeine’s Effect On Sleep: How Long Does It Last? – Start Sleeping

I love caffeine. But I also love sleep. So how can I enjoy both? Well start sleeping have some interesting (and eye-opening) facts about caffeine, how much your favourite drink includes and how that can have an affect on your sleeping cycle.

The Most Dangerous States For Online Dating – BackgroundChecks.org

Online dating has gone mainstream. Research shows 40 million Americans use dating apps to find a relationship, according to eHarmony.The
growing popularity of online dating makes it the most popular way for
couples to connect. But with that popularity comes some dangers as well, so if you’re in the dating pool BackgroundChecks.org have put together a list of States you might want to avoid if you’re on a dating app.

29% Of Singles Who Visited Psychics Told They Will Find True Love In 2022 – PsychicReading.com

Sticking with dating, did you know that it’s almost an even split between those who will find love and won’t according to psychic readings? There’s also some interesting figures regarding what people are seeking advice on, from finance to promotions.

Have you had a psychic reading? What did you think and, more importantly, did the predictions come true? Drop us a comment below and let us know.

Where Does Our Drinking Water Actually Come From In The US? – Sintred Filtered

Did you know that the United States has are more than 155,000 public water systems? With so many different systems, it becomes
inevitable to wonder where our drinking water actually comes from and how safe it is.

Even though there have been some incidents that have dented the confidence of US residents in the water that comes out of their taps, public water in the US is relatively safe, but where does it actually come from? Read this article from Sintred Filtered to find out some fascinating facts about water.

Weekly Round-Up #314: Tips For Students & Environmental House Cleaning
This week we have some tips for students: Side hustle ideas to make some extra cash, and some handy Microsoft office cheat sheets to make you more productive when working on your assignments. We also have some great tips on how to clean the exterior of your home without impacting...

What’s The Average Cost To Build A Home In 2022? – Homes.com.au

There are key factors to consider when pricing up a new build. These include the location of the home, the size of the block of land, the cost of that land, particular finishes, the competitiveness within the market at the time of the build, any additional features and more. By breaking down each of these factors, homeowners can get a sense of what’s in store for them should they decide to pursue a new build.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.


Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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The short URL of the present article is: https://www.flippingheck.com/2vnw

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