Weekly Round-Up #259: Safe As Houses, Self-Esteem & Becoming A YouTuber

Weekly Round-Up #259: Safe As Houses, Self-Esteem & Becoming A YouTuber


This week we take a look at ways you can make your homes safer – which is very important as we’re all spending a lot more time in our homes. We take a look at how adults can boost their self-esteem and confidence with 10 simple activities and if you’re thinking of a career change, how about becoming a YouTuber? Not sure where to start, well we have the ultimate guide for you!

Man in kitchen filming a youtube video
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at ways you can make your homes safer – which is very important as we’re all spending a lot more time in our homes.

We take a look at how adults can boost their self-esteem and confidence with 10 simple activities and if you’re thinking of a career change, how about becoming a YouTuber? Not sure where to start, well we have the ultimate guide for you!

Falls, Choking, Fires, Toys, And More: How To Keep Your Home Safe – TheReviewsInsider

You’ll find many threats around your home that can be dangerous to anyone in your home. These threats are especially concerning for children and the elderly. The issues that can develop entail everything from slip hazards to electrical issues. It is critical for you to be aware of all the threats that may persist around your home. Such threats can be dangerous to anyone, even those who might feel they are above some of these concerns. The Reviews Insider has put together a great list of hazards you may come across around the home and provided some steps to make your space safer.

11 Simple Confidence Building Activities To Boost Self Esteem For Adults – Self Improvement, Shopify Tips, Start A Blog and More

Even the most successful business executives, politicians, academics, or entertainers – are not immune to crippling moments of insecurity when they are objectively confronted with their failure. Being confident in the face of adversity is not simply a matter of self denial or self delusion.

The Fastest Growing Uk Hedges For The Garden – Up Gardener

There are many reasons to plant a hedge. Thanks to their shape and potential size, hedges lend themselves well to providing privacy and shelter, marking boundaries, reducing wind, and much more.

With so many types of hedge, choosing the right one for your garden comes down to your needs and preferences so Up Gardener have done the hard work for you and put together an informative guide for choosing the right hedge for your garden.

How To Become A Top YouTuber – How to Become a Top YouTuber

Today, over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos are watched a day and the top 50 YouTubers alone have a collective 1.2 billion subscribers and 409 billion views. On average, the top YouTubers have uploaded 1,526 videos in total each. That’s some serious dedication to the cause. But, have wannabe YouTubers missed the boat to fame? Currys takes a look at some interesting YouTube facts and stats that you’ll be able to apply to take your YouTube channel to the next level.

What Are Reps And Sets? A Beginners Guide To Strength Training – Never Too Old to Lift

If you’re over a “certain age” and are thinking about getting into shape it can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to lifting weights. In this article, Chris Tilley from Never Too Old To Lift explains the difference between rep and sets, workout goals and more. Even if you’re not “”old”” you’re bound to find this article interesting and informative!

How To Start An Online Business And Start Making Money From Home – Upward Exits

Like most professionals, you’ve likely flirted with the idea of quitting your job and becoming an entrepreneur. The idea of owning your own work, being independent, working from home, and living life on your own terms is an exciting one.

You may doubt you have the technical skills, doubt you have the time, have no idea how much money it takes to start, or just question whether it really is possible or if 19-year-old tech wizards spending thousands of hours hunched over their keyboards are the only ones making a living online.

Upward Exits hopes to dispel the myths around making a living online, demystify the different types of online business models and assist you in orienting yourself towards a successful future as an online merchant, blogger, or service provider.

Money Saving Tips For College Students – IvyPanda Blog

Attending college isn’t the same as going to school: courses are more engaging and often considerably harder to understand, assignments and requirements can be overwhelming, especially when finals are just around the corner. However, all of this is a piece of cake compared to the difficulties college students often have with money. IvyPanda has put together a comprehensive guide to help students. In it, you can read about every possible way to save money in college, find useful tips, and concentrate on more vital matters than making ends meet.

How To Cook In A Tiny Kitchen? – Culinary Ambition – Culinary Ambition

Just because your kitchen is small doesn’t mean you can’t cook up a storm! In this article Culinary Ambition looks at how you can organise your kitchen and make clever use of your limited space.

Best Natural Fertilizer For Houseplants – Happy DIY Home

I don’t know about you but I’m wary of putting chemicals on my plants – especially if it’s something I’m going to be eating later on. Don’t panic though! Happy DIY Home has some simple natural fertilizer “”recipes”” that you can make from everyday items in your home.

Offices To Let London – Devono Cresa

The easing of lockdown measures and the gradual reopening of the economy is prompting more businesses to implement a return to the office process for their staff. Research from DeVono Cresa found that for the majority of firms (69%), the impact of not having employees physically in the office has not been ideal, but firms have managed. Only a small proportion (5%) are finding the situation damaging to their business processes but getting staff back into the office is a key goal for employers, with 58% expecting at least half of their workforce to return within the next three months. And while employers are keen for staff to come back, there are some important steps to take in order to ensure the saftey of your workers before they return back to the office.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (Without A Blog) – AffiliateGhost

Affiliate marketing can be a great way of making additional income, and some have even developed a full time career from it. You might think that only bloggers can make money from affiliate links but that’s not true! Affiliate Ghost walks you through what being an affiliate means and how you can make money without having a website.

Why Happiness Is Important – Productive Headspace

There is a direct link between happiness and productivity. Countless scientific experiments have confirmed this again and again. Don’t believe me? Check out this article from Productive Headspace which goes into all the reasons behind the importance of happiness and some steps you can take to achieve it.

Here’s How To Improve Your Customer Experience By Putting Your Employees First – RingCentral

A happy customer is a repeat customer. Not only that, they’re the best form of advertising. How many times have you checked customer reviews before buying or product or hiring a tradesman? In order to create happy customers you need to give them a great customer experience and this in-depth article from Ring Central will tell you everything you need to know about creating a fantastic customer experience.

17 Neighborhood Acts Of Kindness + Printables – TurboTenant

During these difficult times, bringing your community together is more important than ever. Plenty of people could use some extra help right now, and by spreading positivity and lending a hand, you can help those around you feel more connected.

Doing positive things, even if they’re small, can lift the spirits of those who may be struggling. Make your neighborhood a more inclusive place by welcoming the newest resident with a gift, helping the elderly out with their groceries, or just by saying a friendly hello.

Here’s how to go the extra mile to welcome new tenants or promote a sense of community with these 17 acts of kindness.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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