Weekly Round-Up #233: Make Money Online, Fresh Food & Toxic Work Environments


This week we take a look at how you can make money online without having to spend anything upfront, where the freshest food in the UK is and how to deal with a toxic work environment.

Weekly Round-Up #233: Make Money Online, Fresh Food & Toxic Work Environments
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look at how you can make money online without having to spend anything upfront, where the freshest food in the UK is and how to deal with a toxic work environment.

The Breakdown Of Science PhDs – RS Components

Countries are investing in their higher education systems, and more people than ever before are completing doctoral degrees, but not all countries are the same when it comes to PhD opportunities.

12 Ways To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything (For Free) – Careful Cents

As you’re about to discover, the old adage “it takes money to make money” isn’t always true. There are plenty of ways to make money online without investment, from remote work jobs to being an independent contractor, or freelancer. This article takes a look at various ways to make money and the pros and cons that go with them.

The Fresh Food Capitals Of The UK – Leisure Cooker

If you’re keen to avoid supermarket chains then you’re likely to visit your local market or high street to complete your weekly food shop. From butchers to bakeries, the cities of the UK have shops full of local produce, but where in the UK ranks the highest for access to fresh food? We’ve looked at the UK cities that have the highest number of butchers, bakeries, greengrocers, fishmongers and farmers markets to see which city is the best for fresh food per capita (I can tell you my local town won’t be on the list as it has 39 places to drink coffee but no greengrocers!).

How To Deal With A Toxic Work Environment (According To Science) – Resume.io

A toxic work environment is one in which bad management and negative attitudes leave you tired, depressed, or ill. Of course, some of us feel like this after a tough day at work anyway – particularly if you don’t like you job. But workplace toxicity is directly related to your professional surroundings rather than your individual circumstances. If your office is cliquey or gossipy, you witness bullying or a general lack of trust, or your colleagues’ ideas and good work tend to get disregarded, it’s fair to say your work environment is toxic.

How Workplace Perks Can Retain And Motivate Staff – Adler

A survey of 1,000 UK workers by corporate product supplier Adler has revealed the top perks workers want to see offered as standard by their employer. Flexible working topped the list with half of the respondents (48%) saying it should be offered as standard by UK companies.

Free Online Video Maker – Create Your Video In Minutes – FlexClip

Video is becoming a must have marketing tool for many businesses. From showcasing new products to crafting the perfect Instagram stories, video can help build your brand and grow your audience. FlexClip is a simple and easy-to-use video maker that will get your creations in front of your audience in no time at all.

The Wedding Timeline: The Tears, Texts And Treasured Moments – Protectivity

Wedding insurance provider, Protectivity, has surveyed 1000 people to find out which moments of a wedding cause us to tear up and reach for a tissue, as well as the moments we reach for our phones, either out of boredom or to share the perfect snap on social media.

The Most Followed Celebrities On Instagram Vs The World – PostBeyond

When it comes to the most followed accounts on Instagram it may come as no surprise that celebrities take the top spot, but have you ever tried to put their colossal number of followers into perspective? Take a look at this infographic to see how the world’s top 10 most followed celebrities follower count compares to populations of countries around the world.

How To Become A Digital Nomad In 8 Steps – Jordan Ring

The first step in your journey to becoming a digital nomad is to build an entrepreneurial mindset. Yes, you can in fact become a digital nomad by working for someone else. Location independent jobs are quickly becoming more commonplace. Working for yourself and channeling your inner entrepreneur will give you a life based on your own terms.

The European Cyber Safe Index – VPN Overview

So much of our personal and financial information is stored on the web these days that cybersecurity is a crucial concern for almost everyone.

But which country can claim to be the most ‘cyber safe’? VPN Overview analysed 27 EU countries on a range of factors including rates of malicious infections and online banking fraud to legislation in place to fight cybercrime.

The Simpsons’ Home Gets A 2019 Interior Design Makeover – Angie’s List

In 30 years on our screens, Homer and Marge haven’t touched a roll of wallpaper. Don’t you think it’s high time the house got a modern-day makeover With some digital wizardry and the help of interior design consultant Pat McNulty, Angie’s List redesigned each room in The Simpsons’ home with seven of 2019’s hottest interior design trends

Who Will Be The First Female To Reach $100 Billion – RS Components

Reaching the incredible milestone earning of $100 billion is currently held by only males, but who will be the first-ever female centi-billionaire and when is she predicted to achieve this monumental milestone? RS Components has analysed the fortunes of the world’s wealthiest women to predict who will join Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates to become the first female ‘centi-billionaire’.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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