Weekly Round-Up #232: Biking To Work, Retreat Weeks & Arguing Over Decorating


his week we take a look at the advantages of biking to work (and if you drive where it’s best to park), why Bill Gates swears by retreat weeks and how home improvements cause arguments.

Weekly Round-Up #232: Biking To Work, Retreat Weeks & Arguing Over Decorating
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Welcome to another weekly round-up. This week we take a look at the advantages of biking to work (and if you drive where it’s best to park), why Bill Gates swears by retreat weeks and how home improvements cause arguments.

The Best Countries For Education – RS Components

A good education is often linked with success and higher education is seen as the gateway to a prosperous future, but have you ever wondered where around the world is the best for higher education? Take a look at this infographic to find out which country has the highest percentage of the population graduating higher education and the countries which come out on top for men and women.

How To Pick Your Anti-Sitting Weapon – 12 Exercises To Combat Stillness – Couch And Gym

This article is an in-depth look at the effects that prolonged sitting can have on your health and some exercises you can do to keep yourself healthy and productive.

The Biggest Interior Design Deal Breakers – Mattress Online

Decorating a new house can be hard, and that’s always made more difficult when youre moving in with that special someone for the first time. Mattress Online have conducted research into just what you value more: your loved ones feelings, or that painting on the wall and they have found that 60% of men and women have argued about interior decorating at some point in their relationship.

6 Iconic Rooms From Tv Homes Get A 2019 Decor Makeover – Budget Direct

Sticking with decorating , have you ever watched an episode of your favourite TV show and thought, "Wow, that decor has not aged well at all"? Budget Direct have and that’s why they teamed up with interiors consultant Pat McNulty to help us give a Queer Eye-style interior design makeover to six rooms from TV homes – from Walter White’s kitchen to Rory Gilmore’s childhood bedroom.

What Can Be Recycled? Ultimate List Of 101+ Items – ConsumerBase

You’ve definitely heard times without number that recycling your used items is eco-friendly and the best way to keep them from damaging natural resources. But, do you even know what can be recycled in your home? With this list of 101+ items you can recycle you’ll be cleaning up your act in no time!

How To Do A Think Week Like Bill Gates – Reservations.com

If you haven’t heard of the Think Week that Bill Gates has been preaching about for the past two decades, you may just have to replace your next vacation with this innovative concept. For those of us working on computers in offices all day, we’re constantly fighting distraction. Between meetings and weekly projects, when do you have a chance to sit down and think deeply about the bigger goals? For Bill Gates and many others that have adopted this practice, the answer is a solo retreat with just you and your thoughts. And it sounds magical.

What Is Business Casual For Men? – Define Sleek

As workplace norms continue to change during modern times, so do the dress codes. For instance, mens business casual dress code now is a more liberating form of formal attire. However, it remains a somewhat uncertain concept that lacks established rules. This article attempts to take the mystery out of what "Business Casual" actually means.

Kids & Tech: What Are Parents Views? – RS Components

In this digital age that we live in, it’s nearly impossible to raise a child without exposing them to technology at a very early age. While technology can bring about a certain level of risk for kids, it’s also an incredibly valuable tool that helps children’s development. As children grow up, their use of technology will most likely increase. Mobile phones, social media and gaming all come with opportunities to connect with the wider world. While this can be great in building friendships and a sense of community, it can also mean questions will be raised over tech safety and screen time. This survey reveals parents views when it comes to kids and tech.

Networking In Business – Viking Direct

This study, commissioned by Viking, looked into workers views on the importance of networking in business. While the study found that an overwhelming amount of workers (61%) have gotten a job through someone they know, only half (46%) say they ever network whilst in a job. So whats stopping them?

The Ultimate Printable Cleaning Checklist – Smart Robotic Home

If you’re like me, you know that things need to be cleaned but you can never remember how often you need to clean something – or when you last cleaned it. Don’t worry though, Smart Robotic Home has your back with a great printable cleaning checklist that will have your home sparkling in no time.

A Complete Guide To Becoming A Bike Commuter – Rydoze

Cycling is a great way to get exercise, do something good for the environment, and save money on fuel. And commuting by bike might just be the best way to do all three of those things!

The Cost Of Public & Private Parking In The UK – AppJobs

If you’re not able to cycle to work and need to drive then where do you park? When commuting to a big city, most of us are not only paying for the train journey, but also to park our cars near the station. Whether you’re a commuter or a resident in a big city, could you be saving or earning money when it comes to parking?

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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