Weekly Round-Up #216: Healthy UK Cities, Gender Gaps And Movie Cars


In this week’s round-up we look at the best UK cities for health, how the UK is split by gender and whether your knowledge of cars from the movies is up to scratch.

Weekly Round-Up #216: Healthy UK Cities, Gender Gaps And Movie Cars
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

In this week’s round-up we look at the best UK cities for health, how the UK is split by gender and whether your knowledge of cars from the movies is up to scratch.

The Best UK Cities For Health And Wellness – Protectivity

Being healthy is more than just eating well and exercising regularly, it requires a permanent lifestyle and mindset change. It is important that you are considering all aspects of life in a way that positively impacts your mind and body.

In this article Aria looks at the healthiest cities in the UK – I’m near one but I’m not that healthy so I feel like the results are skewed a bit!

Easy Diy Hanging Planter To Liven Up Any Room – Shutterfly

Plants around the home are a proven benefit to health, your environment and can just generally make you feel great. In this article Shutterfly shows you how to make a simple hanging planter.

The Gender Split In UK Industry – RS Components

Gender equality is important in all areas of society and in recent years, there’s been a huge emphasis on gender in the workplace. Whether this is down to the gender pay gap or the roles of women in the workplace, it’s now more important than ever for companies to have equality at the forefront of their minds.

In this article RS Components looks at the gender gap in UK industry and some of the results may be quite sobering.

Movie Cars – Leasing Options

If you love cars, and movies, this is the perfect quiz for you.

There are 24 famous movie cars hidden in the cityscape designed by LeasingOptions – Can you find and name them all?

Moving Offices? Here’s Your 2019 Ultimate Checklist – RingCentral UK

We’ve covered office relocation in the past, but if you’re on the move it’s always good to have a reminder and RingCentral has some great tips to help your office switch go without a hitch.

The Books That Made The Largest Impact In The World – Largest.org

They say that the pen is mightier than the sword – and that’s certainly true with these books. Largest.org looks at which books have made an impact since the written word began.

The Marketing Sales Funnel: What Is It, How It Works, And Why You Need It – Posirank

Getting people on to your website or into your premises is one thing, converting them into a sale is another – and that’s where a Sales Funnel comes in. You need to be able to move your potential customers through a process so that they become buyers and Posirank explains the idea behind a sales marketing funnel in a simple and easy to understand way.

How To Use Companion Planting Without Feeling Stupid – Gardening Mentor

I really got into gardening last year – thanks to one of the hottest and longest summers ever in the UK I was able to grow a bumper crop of salad vegetables meaning I didn’t have to rely on shops, kept my food bill down and knew I was eating healthy and organically grown food. I’m lucky to live in a semi-rural area and have a lot of plants around me to help in pollination but if you’re in a more urban setting you may need to help your plants along a bit and this great guide from Gardening Mentor explains why and how to use one plant to help another.

The Best UK Cities For Health And Wellness – Protectivity

2019 is well and truly underway and many are striving hard to maintain their health and fitness new years resolutions. But does where we are living help or hinder our ability to reach our goals and stay fit and healthy?

Protectivity has analysed the facilities of 30 cities across the UK, taking into account gyms and fitness centres, green space, spas and vegan restaurants, to show which cities are the best to live in for leading a healthy lifestyle and giving them an overall score out of 100. You may be surprised at who is in the top 10 – is your city there? Let us know in the comments.

Find Your Ideal Job – Jooble

It’s the new year so you may be thinking about a new You and new career. If you’re in the UK and are on the hunt for a new job then Jooble has some great opportunities for you to check out.

How To Ask For A Raise Without Coming Off As Entitled – resume.io

Sticking with jobs, if the only thing that’s wrong with your current one is the salary then how about asking for a raise? I don’t know about you, but it’s not a conversation I find easy to have so Resume.io has some tips on how to ask nicely without coming across as a brat.

Make Shopping Fun Again With Any.Do’s ‘Smart Grocery List’ – Lifehacker

Creating a menu plan for each week is a great way of saving money and reducing food waste. One thing that has been falling behind on SmartPhones is a decent Grocery List App.

We’ve reviewed Any.Do as a task Management App in the past but they have rolled out new functionality that allows you to manage your Grocery list in a really clever way.

Prefer Paper lists? Check out our free download below.

You Might Also Like: FlipToDo – To Do List Planner

FlipToDo – To Do List Planner
Recently I've been concentrating a lot on apps to manage your To Dos so I thought I'd go "Old School" for this post. I still prefer to write down tasks on paper so I've developed the FlipToDo planner to keep track of what I

This Weekly To-Do List Setup Is Low-Key Genius – Buzzfeed

It does annoy me when I see people on various Facebook groups saying that they can’t bullet journal because they’re not artistic enough. When I first started playing around with my paper-based system back in the early 2000’s it most certainly didn’t look pretty – in fact it wasn’t meant to as it’s a functional list. The same is true of Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal method. It should be usable, not pretty.

Saying that though, this example of a running weekly to-do list does look gorgeous while remaining functional at the same time.

In Case Of Rapturous Decluttering, Don’t Throw Away Your Books – Tree Hugger

If you’re going to “KonMarie” your house, you may want to lay off your book collection. Sure it may take up space and collect dust but we’re pretty sure it sparks some joy in your life.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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