Weekly Round-Up #202: Historical & Hogwarts Rooms, Holiday Productivity & Power Up Google Drive
In this week’s round-up we take a look at some historical and cultural figures rooms and how each Hogwarts house would decorate their lounges, why productivity dips over the holidays (or special events) and what you can do about it, and how you can become a Google Drive power user.

Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope it finds you productive and well. In this week’s round-up we take a look at some historical and cultural figures rooms and how each Hogwarts house would decorate their lounges, why productivity dips over the holidays (or special events) and what you can do about it, and how you can become a Google Drive power user.
Rooms Of Historical And Cultural Significance – Aspire Doors
Sometimes a room is much more than functional. Many rooms are mundane and practical, but some perform a much more important purpose. They’re inspiring or comforting, helping people to be their best selves. These are the rooms that make history.
How Would The Students From Each Hogwarts House Decorate Their Homes? – The Skirtingboard Shop
Sticking with rooms, have you ever considered how wizards from each house would decorate their own homes? Well wonder no more! The Skirting Board Shop have designed four living rooms in the styles of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw – house points to all!
How The Uk Spends Its Time – Mattress Online
It’s only natural to wonder how your day compares to the rest of the UK. Feel like you never have enough time to unwind and pursue activities you enjoy? You’re not alone. Based on unique survey results and the latest ONS data, we’ve uncovered what the average Brit’s weekday looks like.
How To Become A Google Drive Power User – NetCredit
Google Drive is a fantastic resource. But some of its best features are relatively hidden – so we’ve put together a comprehensive infographic to illustrate the best of them and show you how to boost your productivity and become a Google Drive power user.
Do Americans Eat Leftovers? – Kitchen Cabinet Kings
Whether you live a frugal lifestyle, dislike throwing food away, or you simply think food tastes better when it’s had a day to settle in your fridge, each of us have our own reason for why we may or may not eat leftovers.
The truth is though that the amount of food that goes to waste and is perfectly safe to eat is shocking (one UK supermarket has removed the best before dates from some of its vegetables to stop unnecessary waste) so if you’re looking for a reason why you should eat those leftovers, here are some reasons why.
How To Drink More Water (And 7 Scientific Reasons Why You Should) – PoundsToPocket
If you feel tired all the time, or you’re sleeping well but still have dark rings under your eyes, it could be an extra warning that you’re not drinking enough water. You can turn that around today if you act on the knowledge that more water is good for you.
Pounds To Pocket have put together a great infographic that will explain the importance of water, and how you can get your recommended daily intake – even if you don’t feel like drinking it!
Supermarket Salad Index: How Healthy Is Your Salad? – Protectivity
Instead of leftovers, perhaps you fancy a nice healthy salad – well, be careful as not all pre-packaged salads are created equal! From the 45 salads bowls researched, 7 contained more calories than a McDonald’s hamburger and 9 contained more salt.
Mmmm, I know which one I’d prefer!
How To Not Lose Track Of Productivity During Hectic Holiday Weeks – ZeroCater
Whenever there’s a holiday, no matter where it falls during the year and the work week, you know one thing’s for sure: Productivity is going to drop. Apparently during December alone, studies show that more than two-thirds of workers report being less productive compared to other months (maybe it’s those sparkly Christmas Jumpers distracting people) – but what if there was a way to keep employee’s productivity up over the holidays? Check out the ZeroCater infographics for some ideas.
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!