Weekly Round-Up #187: Collaborating, Cars And Instagram


This week we look at how working with people can actually make you a better and more efficient person. What to do over the summer holidays in the UK and how to come up with a proper project plan.

Weekly Round-Up #187: Collaborating, Cars And Instagram
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Welcome to this week’s round up, I hope it finds you well. This week we look at how working with people can actually make you a better and more efficient person. What to do over the summer holidays in the UK and how to come up with a proper project plan.

Upping Your Game With Collaboration – RingCentral

As the saying goes: “No man is an island” and as much as we don’t want to admit it, we tend to do our best work when collaborating with others. Working well with others can have some unexpected benefits for your wellbeing, relationships and productivity so check out RinCentral UK’s article for some reasons why you need to cozy up to your co-workers.

10 Health Benefits And Uses For Turmeric Curcumin Supplements – Cognitune

I am a big fan of cooking. I will be releasing my own Receipe blog soon (honest) but until then you’ll have to put up with the recipes I’m sharing on my Cookery Facebook Page. One thing I have started to do with my food recently when I’m cooking is to season it a lot more – apparently that can make or break a meal! And while salt and pepper go a long way to making your dinner yummy you may want to think about Tumeric – not only is it a great seasoning for a varieity of foods but it’s also a super-food – although I’ll take that with a pinch of (garlic) salt!

Basic Car Maintenance Tips – The Zebra

My Mum passed her driving test quite late in life – I think I was about 14 when she got her first car. Back then, as was the case when I took my driving test, the “maintenance” aspect of your driving test consisted of where the wiper lever was and how to fill up the wash bottle – nothing about checking the oil, replacing a fuse or even changing a tyre!

Due to my Mum’s lack of basic car maintenance knowledge, my Dad and I would spend an hour a week (at least) under the bonnet or chassis of my Mum’s car trying to fix something – this stood me in good stead when I got my own car as it would break down a fair bit, but where’s the fun in it being a smooth operator? If you want to avoid expensive trips to the garage or having to spend ages under the bonnet then these basic car maintenance tips will help

6 Of The Most Memorable Road Trips In The UK – OSV

School’s broken up in the UK and you may be planning a Staycation this year to save a bit of money. If you are staying in the UK, check out OSV’s road trips. Most of them seem to be “up north” and I’m surprised not to see a route around the south coast or rolling hills of middle England included – but I’m sure that’s something you can research!

60 Stats & Trends That Will Define The Future Of E-Commerce – Subscription Only

Did you know that the first e-commerce system was developed in 1979? It’s amazing to think that such an important part of our every day lives started so early! Anyway, from humble beginnings, e-ccommerce is adapting and here we look at the trends you need to be aware of in the future.

How Businesses Use Instagram Stories – 99Firms.com

I’m never sure what to make of Instagram; it’s like I get it and then all of a sudden it changes again – it dosen’t help that no-one ever “friends” me. Anyway, if you’re running a business the it’s worj your while checking out 99firms to get some great advice on using Instagram to drum up business.

Tips & Examples For Organizing A Project Plan – Team Gantt

So you have post-it notes everywhere? A white board with more crossing out than there is text? If that’s the case you’ll need to get yorself organised and Team Gantt can help you with that!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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