Weekly Round-Up #180: Picniics, Successful Desks And Hiring The Best


This week we look at how you can organise your entire family’s life with the Picniic App (no, it wasn’t a misspelling in the post title!), how successful people organise their workspaces and how you can make sure you hire the right employees – and give the benefits they deserve.

Weekly Round-Up #180: Picniics, Successful Desks And Hiring The Best
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we look at how you can organise your entire family’s life with the Picniic App (no, it wasn’t a misspelling in the post title!), how successful people organise their workspaces and how you can make sure you hire the right employees – and give the benefits they deserve.

Picniic – Picniic

Picniic is a web,iOs and Android app that aims to organise your whole life -and that of your family too! View joint calendars, set up shopping abd task lists and even locate family members! You’d usually have to use a load of different apps but Picniic brings all of this functionality under one roof.

Ad a special bonus, use the following code when signing up to get a 30 day free trial of Picniii Premium.


Smarten Up Your Office With Some Wall Art – Canvas On The Cheap

If you’re lucky enough to have an office you can decorate then why not design an inspiring motivational sign or hang a picture of your family to remind you why you’re working so hard.

I was offered a free print from CanvasOnTheCheap.com* but couldn’t take them up on their kind off as they currently don’t ship to the UK but if you are in a country they deliver to, then take advantage of their prints from just $6 – and if you use this link I get a bit of commission too!

Bullet Journaling Supplies Now Available! – Productivity Direct

New readers may not know that I have an Etsy store that sells some productivity goodies. As well as our growing sticker collection, we’re now stocking planner supplies that are great for bullet journalers, happy planners and travellers notebookers! We’re addding new items every week so make sure you check back often!

The UK’s Breakdown Of STEM Graduates – RS Online

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) is one of yhose sectors where th UK Government is tryin to increase the representation of women but seem to be struggling.

Having worked in the technology sector, I know how male dominated it is, and it’s interesting (and worrying) to see from the RS Components infographic that not much has changed over the last 20 years.

What’s On The Desks Of 8 Successful People – CashNetUSA

They say thata tidy desk is the sign of a tidy mind…. Or an unproductive person! Take a look at how the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Roald Dahl organise their workspace.

Five Deadly Construction Sites – Insulation Express

I love morbid facts! I don’t k ow what it is about them that holds such fascination but this infographic about the deadliest construction sites is right up my street!

Why Health Incentives Are A Work Perk You Shouldn’t Overlook – Quill

I’m lucky enough to live in the UK where I have access to free health care and paid time off if I’m ill (although it’s not a huge amount) but people in other countries aren’t so fortunate (I’m looking at you, America!)

In a world where 35% of appilcants turn down a role because of a poor benefits package, its important for employers to offer a competitive benefits packageto attract the right staff, and for prospective staff to ensure they’re getting a fair benefits package in return for their hard work.

Design Your Own Custom Logo For Free – DesignEvo

Why pay a designer a tonne of money to brand your new business when you can do it for yourself for free? DesignEvo is available as a Web, iOS and Android App and allows you to design a web-ready logo for free. There are, of course, some caveats: you have to give credit back to DesignEvo and you don’t own the copyright so if you want to upgrade your plan there’s currently a one-time fee of $19.99 or $39.99 depending on your needs.

If you’re just starting out and don’t have much of a design budget it will be well worth looking at as a starting point – until you make your first million at least – and as a bonus for readers of FlippingHeck.com, you can use the code

DERW55F6  to get 50% off until the 24th of June!

Generation Rent – Money Pod

In the UK it’s becoming more diffcult to get on the property ladder. It used to be that you got your first job, got married and bought a house, now the majority of us are happy renting partly due to the flexibility it offers but mainly due to the insane cost of buying a house – the price of the house I’m in at the moment has quintupled over 30 years and that’s just insane so it’s interesting to take a look at the costs renting housing across different parts of the UK and Europe.

The Small Business Guide To Hiring The Best Employees – Zapier

When your business starts to expand, it’s important to ensure that you have the right people in the right positions. According to Zapier’s article, it can cost up to $4,000 to recruit someone and take 52 days to fill the position so you want to get the right person to begin with to protect your money and time.

Learn how to track all the important items in the hiring process and how to find that dream candidate (just make sure you offer a decent benefits package, as we saw above they may turn you down!)

11 Types Of Difficult Customers And How To Handle Them – Fundera

I’ve worked in a customer-facing position since I started my first job at 16 and while I understand the principle that “the customer is always right” I think that must have been written by someone who doesn’t deal with people!

In this infographic, Fundera breaks down the 11 types of difficult customers, what their “issues” are and how you can assist them based on their needs. It still won’t stop you wanting to scream sometimes but it should help you avoid it a bit more!

15 Quotes From Pop Culture On A Fresh Start – Hire A Helper

Not all great quotes come from real historical figures – there’s some treasures from made up people Cultural Icons too. They haven’t got my (probably most) favourite quote from Spock & Kirk though:

What are your favourite pop culture quotes? Let me know in the comments below – I’d love to see them!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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