Weekly Round-Up #17 – A Time to Clean, A Time to Grow, Droplets are reminders, Unroll you? and your April Challenge Update


Spring is in the air… at least where I live. I hope that the weather is treating you well and if you’re feeling so inclined there are some tips to get your place tidied in just a few hours. Plus, if you’re not yet 30 there are some things you should know – maybe!

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Speed Cleaning – Living Well Spending Less

There’s a couple of good tips in this article about getting on with your spring cleaning, including a link to some home-made cleaning supplies, and some ideas on how you can clean your house in just 5–7 hours a week… here’s hoping!

How to Speed Clean Any Room – Thirty Handmade Days

More spring cleaning tips. Here it’s a case of throw it away straight away or move it to where it should be. Simples!

How to create a free project management system from scratch – The Next Web

This may be more aimed at people in a computer/tech-based environment, but there are definitely some take-aways that you may be able to use in order to build a kick-ass project management system – for free!

Become More Positive With These 5 Tips – Entrepreneur

Your mental attitude may be holding you back, try some of the techniques in this post to help you become more positive in your mental (and physical) attitude.

How Poor Email Etiquette Can Be a Deal Killer – Inc

There are plenty of stats in this article (if you’re into that kind of thing) but the basic takeaway is that 60% of people believe humour is acceptable in emails (not too rude though I guess). I suppose that’s one way to stand out from the crowd but if you want to, you can read my views on effective email use.

Take Your Productivity to the Next Level by Using Multiple Screens – Make Us Of

I’ve been using multiple monitors for years (too many for me to count to be honest!) and I wrote about some interesting findings back in November. So, if you’re after getting a second or third (f.y.i 4 monitors may hamper productivity!) monitor, point your boss in the direction of the two articles linked here, depending on what you’re working on you could be up to 48% more productive – and that’s a heck of a cost-benefit!

Cultivate These 8 Habits to Achieve Peak Performance in Life and Business – Entrepreneur

Yeay! Finally! Something that’s telling me to sleep loads. Okay, maybe not loads but I can sleep and point people in the direction of this article. Lemon water though? Just the smell reminds me of those hot towels you get in restaurants; not conducive to work but rather a spa day.

25 Things You Must Know by the Time You Turn 30 – Lifehack

For a start, should this list not be “30 things you must know…”? Aside from that there are some really good pointers here, if some of them are a little obvious – and you should really be following them at the age of 21.

How to Recover From an Unproductive Day Like It Never Happened – Lifehacker

Sometimes we just want to throw all of our productive toys out of the pram and shout “Arrrrrghhhh!” This post helps point you in the right direction to get out of the productivity funk and back into your A-Game.

Droplet – The Smart Reminder

I was contacted recently asking me to take a look at Droplet. Basically you use a small NFC (I’m assuming) device and attach it to anything from your bin to your medicine to… well, anything you decide. They’re under the kickstarter phase at the moment but if you’re interested in specific location based or time based reminders check it out. I’ll be especially useful if like me you always have your phone on you but seem to forget to take your medicine.

Stanza – Chrome Extension

Do you live inside the Google “verse”? I’m verging on it and slowly being drawn into the dark-depths that is Google Calendar. If you’re 100% involved then this Google extension may be for you: find dates on websites, clip/copy them and share them to your calendar. It’s apparently as simple as that!

April Challenge Update

So, this week I was due to be looking at:
– Documents
– Photos
– Videos
– Programs
– Desktop

I’ve already gone through and got rid of a lot of programs I don’t use (thanks to running out of Hard Drive space!) My documents and photos are sorted, the only thing I needed to look at was my Desktop. I cleared all of the “lose” files from my desktop and re-sorted my photos downloaded from my camera… I’m finally getting there!

Happy Friday

I hope you have a great weekend, and may the threatened dodgy bad weather in the U.K miss you and allow your barbecue to happen!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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